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Everything posted by wettek69

  1. O'Brien Competitor. My favourite ski as a teenager. I had a Superpro high wrap on it, loved that ski.
  2. @thager wouldn't it be called a soap bubba?
  3. Might be totally wrong, but is there any reason you couldn't put an off the shelf (waterproof) arch support in an Animal boot? Might need to be trimmed around the toes.
  4. Looks to be tracking pretty well with just a casual skier. No sign of any rocking back and forth, but up on foils, it would be difficult to induce a roll.
  5. If we are so elitist that we look down on, or make fun of people who use tubes or any other water toy (yes, even wakeboards) so their kids get off their devices and get out and have some fun in the fresh air and on the water, we need to reconsider our priorities in life. Good on ya @Horton
  6. Yeah, not having a full size platform on my outboard, and having to cinch laces up could be a showstopper. Might end up with another Animal.
  7. @Rednucleus Yeah, I just get my boat crew to chuck me my binding slime and throw a bit in. Stays in my boot long enough to get it back on easily in the water. It is the new Animal though, that doesn't have laces. Could probably do the same with a TFactor.
  8. Thanks guys. For all you T Factor users, what's your opinions on ease (or difficulty) of putting them on in the water (when I invariably face plant and get peeled out of my ski), not a platform? Just put an Animal on my Carbon Omni, and thinking about a T Factor on my good old CX Superlite
  9. Thanks mate. I ski behind an outboard so only have a seat sized platform either side of the engine, so I can't really put it on out of the water after a stack. Well, I could but it would be about as graceful as a moose on roller skates.....
  10. Sorry to wake up an old thread. If I come out of a T Factor in the middle of the lake, are they easy to put back on in the water, or do you really need to be standing on a platform? Thanks
  11. I bought a HO Animal recently and in my opinion, they tend to run a little on the small size. I had to go a size up. If you can, try a boot on, or at least buy from a shop that will let you try it on and exchange if necessary.
  12. @lpskier that's pretty interesting, are they printing just a couple of versions or is everyone trying something slightly different and swapping them back and forth? Sounds like a great idea.
  13. wettek69


    What do they do in tournaments with the ropes? From the comments above, the first couple of skiers could get a crappy spongy feeling rope and later skiers getting a good rope, if a new rope is used? How is the playing field levelled so no one is disadvantaged?
  14. For that amount of coin I would want the boat thrown in as a sweetener.
  15. @loeweb I put my front foot in first too. I could understand your mate putting the strap on his rear boot if he was front foot in first as it would give you a bit more leverage to open it up when your mobility is limited by your front foot essentially being fixed to your ski. Not sure what the advantage would be for him with rear foot first.
  16. Thanks mate, really appreciate the photo, pretty much what I thought it would be. Any reason why he only has it on his rear boot?
  17. @Horton Yeah but if you are going to block an account (like you did mine) for suggesting it was an April Fool, how about a quick PM so we don't think we've been kicked off and get pissed off like I did.
  18. Bugger, I just sent Horton a pissed off email for kicking me off earlier for suggesting it was an April Fools joke. Apologies mate.
  19. @loeweb Any chance of getting a close photo of how your mates have sewn on the handle? I would be keen to see it. Thanks
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