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Everything posted by loeweb

  1. I still think it would be nice to see more actual mini courses in slalom courses. More buoys for people to ski for. The average Joe who just wants to screw around is so far away from skiing an actual course and the driver has no clue that the separate path can even be driven that skiers are turned away from buoy skiing before they give it a shot. Put a mini course within the normal course, and more people will give it a shot just because there’s more to ski for. Of course it will be sea rays and bay liners on combos trying the course, but it will definitely help improve access!!
  2. Is that a viable option in a tournament? I think the college tournaments have mini course options with regular course buoys counting differently?
  3. @horton sorry, I was trying to speculate on @use2ski_ok ‘s comment on participation numbers vs free skiers. In my area, skiing is making a comeback as free skiers numbers seem to continue to increase. That being said, there are very few course skiers, and that number is not rising. I agree that until there is more access, and even education available to those learning to ski, the trends will continue. One of the lakes I frequent has a course, with no novice buoys. I know you can drive beside the boat guides and get close to a novice course, but with a true novice course as skills develop, skiers can maybe get a full buoy or two along with the novice. All other youth sports offer some sort of variation to encourage success (moving the pitchers mound in, lowering baskets, smaller/ lighter balls, smaller field) this needs to happen in skiing to appeal to more people, not just kids.
  4. @Horton I see, but the statement was brought up about participation numbers versus tournament skiing, and I see the fact that there aren't a lot of courses on public water (around here anyway) and the jump from just swerving a little to chasing buoys is too great for most free skiers to ever make. I wish there was a bigger push to utilize the virtual slalom skiing app, or the off course was more readily available because these two things are both designed with closing that gap in mind.
  5. @use2ski_Ok I think it is too big a jump for most to go from free skiing to skiing the course. For most free skiers, there isn't even a course on their "lake" making it extermely difficult to ski the course. Unless things like off course or Virtual Slalom Skiing take off, the chances of the Free skier crossing into the tournament scene are slim and none. I think these tools along with placing more courses in public waters are the only way right now that free skiers who have never been in the course can improve their timing, and realize how much angle and speed are needed to get to the next ball. Water skiing is missing that development level to get every day people excited about skiing. Much the same as youth sports are developing better athletes. Imagine being in high school and trying out for the basketball team, but you show up to school the day before tryouts, never seeing a rim or a backboard. Your chances of making the team are about the same as a free skier making their first tournament pass having never skied the course.
  6. @BraceMaker I'd say digging the lake without permission.
  7. If it sounds good out of the hole and doesn't hesitate or sputter, I'd re-prop it and see if that helps.
  8. @BraceMaker soooo, row crop the outside and irrigate with the lake? big mistake like others have said
  9. So now what? Get it re-zoned? Sell lots on it?
  10. I was also wondering about getting a print copy. Had trouble finding it after the No. 1 issue as well.
  11. Get further away from the wake. try to get the turn to happen without resistance from the boat. Once we get resistance, we want to fight back, and ride the tail because the ski isn't in an efficient position. Get into a stacked position and hold it through the second wake.
  12. Like others have said, what are the benefits to the masses of skiers out there that have not, and probably will never ski in a tournament? There should be more to promoting the sport than pass the handle one day a year. unless you have access to a course, the timing and effort that goes into skiing is what you make it. The problem I see as a non tournament skier is there is too much of a gap between the tournament skier and the rum dumb like myself. There has to be a way to get more people interested in slalom skiing. I think things like the Off Course and Virtual Slalom Skiing are a great start, but those things need to get more traction and gain a following through virtual tournaments and meet ups to "show off." The chances of anyone who absolutely loves slalom skiing, but has yet to ski the course joining an organization that has no benefit but skiing in tournaments is slim to none.
  13. I view skiing about the same as snow skiing. How does snow skiing manage to make it onto tv as much as it does? Because there are hundreds of thousands of people every year that storm the slopes and try it out. That doesn't happen on the water. Some people can't hit the water because they either lack the funds, have no clue how to ski, and skiing on one ski is impossible for them. snow skiing takes less investment to learn and is more accessible for the masses. without numbers coming into the sport, no one will dump money into promoting it.
  14. Being an average (at best) skier that has never, and probably will never ski in a tournament, I personally love the virtual slalom skiing app. It can be used by anyone in open water and can at least give a starting point for anyone to see where they are before hitting the course and getting completely humiliated. The biggest thing I see as a free skier, is getting young people up on skis, and teaching them to slalom, when ready, before "learning" to surf or anything else. Not that those other disciplines do not hold merit, but once a kid gets the feel for the speed, and starts attacking buoys, surfing and tubing take a backseat.
  15. I’ve used the app a couple times with some buddies and I absolutely love it! Not being a course skier at all, I feel it makes me push my tempo and (try) to edge harder through turns. There’s also a lot of ribbing going on when the pecking order is disrupted. Even if it is camera man error. It’s a great starting point for anyone wanting to become a better skier. It’s the greatest thing to happen to slalom skiing since the course!
  16. Definitely an awesome feeling! I put my 3 yo on an aquaplane last summer and watched her putt away just over idle with my brother pulling her. Totally unexplainable feeling!!
  17. Black hull, red stripe and white deck/ interior Sorry not sure about uploading picture
  18. @mwetskier thanks. I'm trying to get a flat spot in the middle of the ski so I'm using 2 separate glue ups and will cut the cove out of the bottom and glue the top to the bottom. Then I plan to cut the bevel on the entire ski. Hopefully I can get it finished.
  19. I am currently in the process of making my own as well. I'm using oak that has been ripped down to 3/16" and cut into 1,2, and 3 inch strips. I have glued pieces together to make layers with differing joint lines and that's where I'm at right now. I have the rocker form made, and am trying to wrap my head around cutting the concave out of the bottom few layers with a table saw. Also need to find bindings and a fin. So, in the end it will be a bent lamination which will hold form better and be more consistent than a steam bent piece of wood.
  20. I've been trolling around here for a while now reading on homemade skis. I was curious if anyone has made a wooden slalom that was worthwhile?
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