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Everything posted by j2nh

  1. What I saw last fall, and has been posted in several places is: 8% reduction in hull mass with carbon reinforced fiberglass 5% reduction in hydrodynamic resistance. If true then on a 3000# boat it's a 240# reduction. Not sure how significant that is. Same with hydro resistance. I would assume that comes from getting the hull up and out of the water. We will see, or at 130K, I will not cause that is just a tad rich for my blood.
  2. "I have an 2006 SN with the Excalibur motor, I only seem to have the filter in the FCC?" You have two, one in the FCC and the other, hate to say it, is one the fuel line under the floor. between the transmission and the tank. To get at it you need to remove the back seat, unclip the hinges on the motorboat and remove that section of the floor. I have no idea why they did it this way but it is a major pain to change.
  3. I'm looking more at CNG as a future rather than electric. The rush to electric vehicles right now is driven by massive government subsides and regulations requiring a percent of electricity to be produced by renewables. It's a pretty muddy picture as to what is economical and practical and what is not. Time will tell with batteries for transportation being the holy grail of research. With so much already invested and no quantum leaps forthcoming I am not holding my breath. I actually hope I'm wrong but I kind of doubt it.
  4. This is a long way down the road. Water is heavy and pushing a boat thru the water takes energy. The problem with current battery technology is twofold, weight and charging. You're talking about adding a ton of weight to a boat where weight has to overcome the "push" of water. Until you can get to 6 hours of useable time I don't see it happening. As for the environment, most of the energy currently that charges batteries comes from coal generation, again, that isn't going to change for a while. This is something my grandkids might be able to enjoy but I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime, 20 more years God willing.
  5. If you still have the cover on the motor remove it. Heat tends to build up under it and leads to rough running at speed. Had this happen to our club boat. Could also be the throttle position sensor which is an easy replacement.
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