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Everything posted by ROBOT

  1. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5EGnbn6QMEaPVVUuoyLIYi?si=duugpAkWRNi60G1AMvYBTg
  2. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1hNGNxjdEUnsiGjll0XwVs?si=o3SpJ1xrQHi1_DKaYIMpoA
  3. https://issuu.com/waterskination/docs/waterski_journal_n_7
  4. https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-tayfu-11e355b More monk than madman, Marcus Brown has transitioned from University World Champion and Australian Moomba Masters Champion to multimedia and water ski method master. Marcus joins host Tyler Boyd to talk about his career in water skiing, that famous YouTube video and how a holistic approach to mind and health will improve the sport. -
  5. Donations to help him and his friends through this ordeal in Ukraine continue to be taken via this PayPal Link. In addition the International Aid Charity Foundation is accepting donations as well. -
  6. https://open.spotify.com/embed-podcast/episode/47fNiISnfSTKJvGrIq7Tm5?utm_source=generator
  7. https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-d2qgv-11c59d0
  8. https://link.chtbl.com/TWSP_EP83_ShowSkiing
  9. https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/5uzzuToU5nUyGOY2GUY59n?utm_source=generator&t=0 _ There's also a link to the PayPal account that's accepting donations to help him and his friends during this situation -
  10. https://link.chtbl.com/TWSP_EP82_Dorien_part2 _
  11. This is something that is so simple to change but so many people ignore it, never change it and struggle through their first pass and wonder why the set has no rhythm! As always thank you for watching and feel free to drop any questions below! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robhazelwood99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robhazelwood99 00:00 - Intro 00:24 - The Problem 00:36 - Don't Be that guy! 00:58 - What is the right start speed for you 02:50 - Why slowing your start speed is beneficial 03:49 - Thank you
  12. https://open.spotify.com/embed-podcast/episode/1NRcPV9eR0NC6tyKt5hfkr?utm_source=generator&theme=0&t=0
  13. https://link.chtbl.com/TWSP_EP81_Dorien_part1
  14. Welcome to Hit It! The Water Skier, the official publication of USA Water Ski & Wake Sports, is pleased to announce the new Hit It! podcast, where we go on the water with some of the top athletes from 3-event, show skiing, barefooting and everything in between. Hit It! is presented by Visit Central Florida and hosted by Tyler Boyd. In the debut episode, water ski jump legend Scot Ellis reflects on his 30-plus years of competing at the highest level of the sport. Listen to Hit It! podcast. _
  15. Promo video of the 2021 Edition of the San Gervasio Pro Am, the Italian stop of the Waterski Pro Tour. Approaching its eighth edition on July 1st, 2022, this event awards $24,000 for Professional skiers and $2,000 for Junior Challenge contestants. Rewatch the three days of competition here: Here are some useful links: San Gervasio Pro Am: https://www.sangervasioproam.com Jolly Ski School: http://www.jollyski.com/en A sincere thank you to all the sponsors that supported the 2021 San Gervasio Pro Am: Luzzeri International Barka: https://www.barka.it/en/ Varanini Caffe: https://www.varanini.eu/en/ RadaR Skis: https://www.radarskis.com HO Skis: http://wwwhosports.com AmbroSol: https://www.ambro-sol.it/ Banca Mediolanum: https://www.bancamediolanum.it Hotel Al Veliero: https://alvelieropontevico.com Punto Distribution: http://www.puntodistribution.it SP Skis: https://www.spwaterskis.com/ PIGOSKI: https://pigoski.com/ OMB Bosio: http://www.ombbosio.it Caremed: https://caremed.it/ AxER: http://www.axersrl.it/ Oscaf PKB
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