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Posts posted by Rednucleus

  1. @A_B: "it isn't where it needs to be yet " - meaning the current technology? If stem is going to work for you, getting it done earlier on give the cells better tissue to regenerate - so if stem cell therapy is the real deal, now is the time to explore options. It's not realistic to expect it to help an end stage arthritic joint.
  2. I have been curious about stem cell therapy for a few years now. Reviewed all the BOS posts I could find. Recently went to one of the "sales seminars" too. As a veterinarian I have some understanding of the theory and science involved, and my training has me leaning more to the "too good to be true" conclusion. So, there are quite a few threads on here that date back a few years. I would be especially interested in Ballers reports that are more than a year out from their procedures, and where their cells came from (fat, marrow etc) and what areas you had treated. Also any physicians & therapists comments appreciated.


  3. @Horton I had the good fortune of a Dec 1st ski this AM in WA, and all I thought about was standing tall, straighter rear leg. I'm getting fairly comfortable at 32/15 and ran some of my best passes ever today! Lots more angle, ski finished the turn better - hope I can remember tomorrow what I did today. If you're up in my neck of the woods I will pour you a nice scotch if you will teach me some more!
  4. I was skiing on a 1994 era HO VTX; struggling with 30mph passes, figured I just wasn't much of a skier. Got a HO Superlite CX last season; PB's started by the 2nd set; this year I made my 1st ever 34 mph pass - used to be scared to free ski that speed! As has been said so well, try lots of skis, get new/lightly used if possible; you will be amazed. Superlite no longer made, Omni took it's place & I hope to try it next season to compare
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