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Everything posted by Slalom.Steve

  1. I use a 13". I've only had a couple years in the course and am still 15off, so I don't have the credentials to really say as a skier, but what's made sense to me at least intuitively is that having a wider grip would make it easier to achieve a good position with shoulders back and hips up. When you do a deadlift, you hold your hands straight down from your arms. If your bar was only 12" wide, you couldn't do that, and it would be a detriment. Admittedly though, it's not a perfect comparison to skiing, but similar is some ways. I wonder if the body gurus over at @FlowPointMethod have any opinion? Or maybe @Than_Bogan, since he seems to analyze everything that can be analyzed? (to be clear, both those comments are compliments :-)
  2. Does Radar provide setup support? I certainly don't know enough to figure it out myself, and I expect my next ski to either be a Radar or a Denali.
  3. Yeah that's my only complaint about Spraymakers - too much of a casual conversation and not enough of a crafted presentation of information. But the information that is there is so good. I just posted a thought-out suggestion in the Spraymakers latest questions thread.
  4. @Chris Rossi I know I'm late to the party here, but the new poll about listening to podcasts got me thinking, and figured I'd post this here: Spraymakers has SUCH good information and it's a truly amazing resource for skiers. But there is a lot of banter, and sometimes disorganization in terms of the overall flow of information and in terms of your's and Trent's individual comments (and a whole lot of "you know," "I mean," and "like" lol). So sometimes it's hard to follow or extract the most relevant conclusions, or it's at least likely that the same amount of valuable information could be presented (and listened to) in less time. I know that often the "podcast vibe" is just friendly conversations that gets recorded, but I'm not a big fan of that style. I'd prefer segments that are more prepared and concise. In my mind, what we hear as a finished Spraymakers episode could actually be the private brainstorming conversation that then gets crafted into a more organized version to be recorded and published. It doesn't have to be 100% scripted or anything, but I think it'd help to have a planned outline/roadmap, with the most essential points that each of you would present already thought out and defined, then converse within that structure. The end result could a shorter, easier-to-consume episode that is even more impactful than before. Granted, this would all take more work and time, which you may or not be able to do. But if you can, I think it could be a super rad "next level" iteration of Spraymakers. You could even go back and redo previous topics but with this structure (which also means you don't have to keep coming up with new topics lol) - like a "Version 2.0" of previous episodes, finely tuned B) I hope none of this comes across as too critical or anything. I love what you do and deeply appreciate the time you spend to do it, whether it continues as-is or not. Thank you!
  5. Here's a poll I did years ago about where people grip the handle. (note the handle in those pics is 1.0 diameter) Using the "grip numbers" from the poll, it almost looks to me like your "bad example" isn't even one of the options (like it would be a #5), and your "good example" is the #4. I grip in the #2-#3 range in the poll, I now use a .940 handle, and have never had issues with callouses (small to medium size gloves, depending on brand).
  6. Interesting... I wear small or medium size gloves, depending on the brand, so I have smallish hands but not tiny, and I use a .940 diameter handle. I've sort of found the opposite to be true, in that the smaller diameter allows me to hold the handle more in my fingers than my palm, which then reduces issues with callouses.
  7. @Ski2000 The battery on Joel's power drill must've died.
  8. I use T-Factor and will notice a slight shift sometimes. I wonder if this is actually a bad thing though... Particularly if someone has bowed legs (which I have a little bit of), perhaps the boot is "automatically adjusting" to hold your particular leg shape in actually a better or "custom" way? I really don't know, but if so, maybe it'd be best leave the tongue where it is and just tighten more if needed.
  9. So wait.. what was the extra thing at the end? Not that I'm ever unhappy watching more skiing, but it's like "Alright, the tournament is over! It's time to start the tournament!" :D
  10. Pending some budgetary wrangling, I plan to do my first-ever ski school this summer. I know people say to do ski school at the beginning of the season, but does that mean literally start your season there? My inclination is that I should get in maybe 3 weeks of skiing first to knock the rust off and get back into ski shape. So far this offseason I've been exercising fairly regularly, but more cardio than strength, and I don't feel like I could show up cold and power through 3 sets a day for 3-5 days in a row (or at least not "get my money's worth" from the coaching cause my body would be toast).
  11. @ski6jones - is this what you mean? This is how my handle came brand-new!.. is that a problem? I have this picture because I wasn't sure at that time, but a ski buddy said don't sweat it.
  12. Resurrecting an old thread. Seems like the average is changing handle and rope once a year, maybe a little less frequently. BUT, I'm wondering: I'm skiing at 15off, between 30-34 mph, so I know I'm not loading the rope like some of you guys. And I skied around 550 passes last season, which may also be lower than some of you (particularly anyone in year-round-ski climate, unlike me). I had a new rope and handle to start last season (ML Monster Team Handle and ML regular Mainline rope), and they still look fine to me. Can a guy like me get 2-3 years instead of 1 year? I'm about to start grad school, so money is an issue lol.
  13. I started keeping a ski tracker a bit late into the summer, then got behind on filling it out and gave up lol. But I'm quite happy with my season. I ran 15off/32mph for the first time June 12th, then ran 15off/34mph for the first time August 22nd. Now, 32mph is getting quite consistent, and I've run at least one 34mph each of my last times out. I haven't tried much at 22off, but twice have gotten 2@22off/34mph. Tomorrow will be my last ski set till next year... anyone have an extra room in Florida I can winter at?? :D
  14. I've only spent 3 years in the course, and only used the D3 Leverage and the D3 T-Factor, but I love the T-Factor! Never had any issues releasing when it needed to, and I cinch it fairly tight.
  15. So I have to amend my post from above - I had tested the Camaro Titanium Gloves as liners just in cold water at home.. definitely keeps warm, but my first attempt actually skiing with them, I feel like they're too slick against the actual ski glove and half my grip strength was going towards just keeping the outer glove from slipping down my fingers. Did not like it, will be trying other solutions.
  16. I do something very similar to Kroeks, but use the Camaro Titanium Gloves as the base layer, then the surgical glove. I believe they're very hard to find in the US though, I randomly found a used pair on Poshmark.com lol.
  17. If I ski crappy today, can I blame you?
  18. I see a lot of Radar in the midwest (and ski one myself).
  19. Resurrecting this thread. For reference here are other "camaro sizing" threads: one, two, three. I'm 5'10", 160lbs, 38" chest, I wear 32" jeans but actually measure 34" at belly button. I have a Camaro Blacktec 1.5 full wetsuit, size Medium; and a Blacktec 1.0 heater top, also size Medium. I fall into the Medium sizing for everything but waist. The top fits fine, tight but not uncomfortable. But in the full suit, my bits-and-pieces get uncomfortably squished, and the neck uncomfortably pushes against my throat. This doesn't seem to be other people's experience though, so I dunno. But I wish I had sized up on the full suit.
  20. Gah just when I felt pretty decided on what my next ski would be :s :D The black and teal color option too... my word.
  21. Seems like maybe that's only the case when the phone is exposed to vibration and you're taking a picture/video at the same time? It's not totally clear to me for the article. But if so, that would mean as long as you use the front-facing "selfie" camera, there wouldn't be an issue, as that camera doesn't have optical image stabilization. And ski videos come out better on the front camera anyways (again due to no OIS).
  22. Use the front-facing "selfie" camera. The resolution won't be quite as high but the shake will be significantly reduced whether you use stabilization or not, though I still think it's better Off. I've also found it's smoother at 60 fps rather than 120.
  23. Do you ever get to just practice on your own ski, or is it all ski reviews? lol. Much appreciated though :)
  24. @Fastguy888 I have totally had that idea before, I think I even suggested it on a Denali instagram post a couple months ago :D The product even sort of exists already, just cut off the lower body of a flying wingsuit! The problem is injury risk though, one of those wings catches in the water on a fall and your arm could get pretty cranked. Hey man... sometimes great ideas start with terrible ideas lol.
  25. I understand I won't be getting the full picture with a used glove, and I know a lot of people love them, but I've also read some people who really don't. I'm really just trying to determine if the inside-out styling works for me. On dry land they are super comfortable but seem cumbersome - the exposed seams get caught on each other if I move my fingers around, and I can't squeeze my fingers together as much (the total "width" of my hand becomes larger). That said.. it's not like holding a ski handle requires distinct, fine finger movements, so that's why I want to try it out on the water.
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