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Posts posted by Clydesdale

  1. @lpskier nailed it. My son was getting pretty good. At 19 he was running 28 off/36. But... in the northeast where we live there were very few other kids his age skiing. At tournaments he’d hang out with 1 kid 5 years younger, but the age just wasn’t close enough to form a real friendship. So... now he’s 22 and no longer skis. He loved it when he was doing it, and I hope he’ll get back into it later when age isn’t such a factor any longer. Compare this to when I (we) were young in the 70s and 80s. I remember LOCAL tournaments with 50+ young people close to my age. And those that didn’t compete knew enough about skiing to at least think it was “cool”. Take all those peers away and would I have stuck with it? Probably not.
  2. I hadn’t really noticed the difference in interior space until @skimtb brought it to my attention. I now think a MC would be better for us. I don’t think my portable slalom course would fit in the back of a SN 200 with the ski lockers...
  3. I think you’re good also, but is it something you’ll worry about all winter? If you’ve got that personality type (like I do) might be worth re-doing just so you can let it go for the off season! Unnecessary, but then again you’d get the chance to hear that motor one more time. ?
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