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Everything posted by jnan66

  1. Should a goal in soccer made by mistake be less counted?
  2. As far as I know Mike Kjellander was the first to run 39@36 in a record tournament. I think it was 1988
  3. Got this tip from a friend (who is a doctor). Use your fingertip and find the spot where it really hurts. Massage this spot hard until you almost cant hold your tears back. Do this every morning and evening for a couple of weeks. It really worked for me. No jumping dock starts allowed !!!!
  4. Whats the point of putting a U-sole (= Plate) under the binding and then put it in a plateless binding???? Just buy the std plate version. It works great👍
  5. @Deanoski -Exactly! Std plate - Straight forward and simple solution that worked well for decades Direct connect - Why??
  6. When designing a new boot it would have been a nice thing to have a vertical surface built in on the back of the heel as a measuring point
  7. 34mph 185Ibs What size NRG R3 would you choose? 66" or 67"?
  8. @MISkierThese red curves are exactly how we planned to drive. At the top of your yellow line there is a passage under the road/railway where boats go frequently. At the bottom of the yellow line there are more shallow water with rocks/stones. One member of the club lives in the house in the green area and also owns the water where the blue line is. We have done a check of the depth and the only thing is a rock at surface level (green cross) but it is already marked with a rod.
  9. @MastercrafterDo you turn in before or after "5ball"? On what linelengths could it be a problem? If you learn to ignore it........would you likely hit it somehow anyway?
  10. We are going to set up a course in a public lake shown above. There is 540m approx which leaves us with 85m from ends to pregates. Would you put a regular 6 bouy course in or would you go with an overlapping 8 bouy course? That would give us 125m to each pregate. Is the "5 ball" very disturbing on the gate setup on an 8 bouy course?
  11. Thanks for your answers. Would you say that the Titanium is the better ski? Or is it apples and oranges? I noticed Corey is on the Platinum
  12. I`m 180-185 Ibs and ski 55k 22-35 off. What size would you Platinum/Titanium skiers recommend for me? I am currently on a D3 Ion2 67" Thanks Johan
  13. Thanks for the info. Can anyone compare the Trick wrap vs Pro build. Performance/lateral support?
  14. Anyone using Wiley trick wrap for slalom? Any problems with release? Can anyone compare the Trick wrap vs Pro build when it comes to performance/release? Im currently on the T-factor+rtp and like it very much, but very worried about the release. Seems to be critical how fresh the bungees are and how tight you lace it. Just checking out the alternatives. Hardshell is not an alternative for me Thanks Johan
  15. What happened to MC skis? Hompege is not updated since 2016. Where are they made now? Are they still in business?
  16. Wow.....only 50% more expensive than the other brands
  17. Totally wrong focus I think. Nothing wrong with the current standard plate. It has worked well for 30 years. The boot on the other hand people seem to drill, grind and reform with heat to make it skiable. Design a boot from scratch instead that is optimized for waterskiing instead of taking a roller blade boot and try to make it work.
  18. Not exactly so, but I got help by TW via video analysis to identify my main issue which is that I tend to ski a little squatted. So instead of thinking of what I thought was many different issues I focus on one thing only. To drive my hips up towards the handle in every cut. TW calls this my main issue that will help correct many other "side effects" as he calls them. And it really works. Many of my other issues have been better because of working with my main issue. I am now very much a believer of this method. The most important thing is to figure out what the main issue is and find a way to correct it.
  19. Exit the gates with "-This is how you do it" .......while at the same time not remember anything of what might have made it happen :)
  20. Keep the plate as it is. Make the boot with a completely flat bottom. Maybe change the nylon screws to something else that holds it in place sideways. New design looks silly. Old design looks classy :)
  21. Why take the plate away when it has worked for two decades
  22. The classic slalom would be the closest. You have to cut the plastic tongue in the back of the lower shell to get it as close as possible. I used that in the beginning of the season but ended up using the classic trick shell instead. It has a more progressive feeling in the forward /backward flex as compared to the classic slalom boot where the strap makes for a more distinct stop forward.
  23. I have used DowCorning silicone with great success
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