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Everything posted by Pullhard

  1. Regarding the large green rubber band Marcus is using in this training video. Anybody know the name of the product where to buy it?
  2. If you guys are going to try out the Jobe Carbon V, Please do a ski "shoot-out" comparison between the Carbon V and the Jobe Open Class. That would be really fun to see.....The Open Class was one of the best skis in those years.....
  3. Thank you for the great story. The whistling sound you mentioned must be from the Venturi Tunnel. Do you know what the 9.7 flex (VTR) vs. the 9.8 flex (VTX) means?
  4. Looking for information on the old HO VTR and VTX (Venturi Tunnel) series skis. Does anybody know the details about these skis? What year were they popular? What is the difference between the VTR and VTX? The VTR is heavy, has a round tail, and is labeled 9.7 flex, Venturi Tunnel Radius. The VTX is light, has a square tail, and is labeled 9.8 flex, Venturi Tunnel Extreme.
  5. Sorry, no.... but would love to go. I pulled my current boat home from Denver to Oregon with no problems. I've also towed a boat home from LA to Oregon. If you've got the time, its the way to go. Also, good to see the boat and go over it with the seller and make sure no surprises. If you ship, when it arrives your stuck. Not sure what your towing rig is but gas is cheap now.
  6. Agreed. I work in an industry where material flaws are a major concern and we inspect for them. Even super alloys and titanium can have flaws that can be catastrophic. From what I read on the MB's, most of the failures were from the old designs. They are saying now CF frames don't fail. Same for automotive. Slalom ski's don't take anywhere near that kind of abuse so should last as long as the owner still likes the ski.
  7. Internet research shows material life for carbon fiber & resins (lifetime), fiberglass (50 years), and plastics / foams (1000 years). High stress applications for these materials include automotive, boats, mountain bike frames, etc. Even though water skis are stressed during use, they are used seasonally, often not used because of upgrading, mostly used in fresh water, and kept inside out of the elements. Any ski, if well cared for, should last a long time. To prove otherwise would require extensive testing of identical samples, using mechanical means in controlled conditions, and statistical analysis of the results.
  8. Twister, Thanks for responding. I'm looking for 1st or 2nd year Rogues i.e 2012 / 2013. Black Top, Blue Bottom. Preferably a 67. Also especially looking for the matching Blue Bindings size 10-11. The photos above from Skico are exactly what I am looking for. The photos above from Bill22 is not what I am looking for. Excited to see what you have......
  9. Still looking for a 67 Jobe Rogue.
  10. If you want a better view, try Google Earth or Google Earth Pro ! It will take you right down to the water and you can view 360 degrees around the area. Don't need an address. Just the general area to search and you can zoom in !
  11. Looking for old issues of 70's, 80's, and 90's Water Ski Magazine. Anybody have these in the garage or attic and would like to get rid of them? Thank you
  12. Thinking about upgrading all the gauges on my 97 Prostar 205. Any company recommendations for the best performance, selection, quality, and price? Thanks...
  13. https://www.jobesports.com/en/newsflash/the-jobe-rogue-slalom-ski-1908/
  14. Still looking for a 1st year 2012 Jobe Rogue, 67 with large Jobe bindings. The skis on ebay are last production inventory and not wanted.
  15. Interesting photos and videos. That boat is full of batteries....Would also like to hear what it sounds like. Electric motorcycles and other electric vehicle conversions have a strange whining sound. Will take some getting used to not having the sound of a big V8 onboard. Would also be interesting to see how a perfect pass would work with an electric motor. http://www.ltsmarine.com/english/lts-water-ski-boat/
  16. Recommend finding a wrecked 100% electric car like a Nissan Leaf and get the motor and battery out of it. Will take some ingenuity and fabrication to figure how to mount the motor. Next problem will be where to put the huge battery. Would also be some concerns about a large battery in the boat and coming in contact with water, fire concerns, and electrocution . Most also people don't know lithium batteries are highly flammable. Electric motors have huge torque and rev. Will need to figure out how to gear the motor down and what type of prop to use. Finally, the charge only last for a short while so recharging will also be a concern.
  17. Ball of Spray community, here is an interesting question. I've been out of the sport for while and trying to catch up on the history of slalom skis. I'd like to know more about the skis from the 80's and 90's. What were the dominant skis then and who were the top skiers skiing on them? Also, with your opinion, I would also be interested to know how each of these skis may have had an impact on ski development leading to where skis are today. Looking forward to your comments. Thank you
  18. This is the only picture I have been able to find of what I believe is a 2012. This one has a Ball of Spray top. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=4NVsnUno&id=D3662FD54CAD5D1255A93AC22AB3FFC8E5B0D812&thid=OIP.4NVsnUnovfyBU3AcYc7v5QHaE6&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fus.v-cdn.net%2f5017617%2fuploads%2fFileUpload%2
  19. Is your prototype Rouge available for sale? I think 2017 was the last year Jobe made the Rogue but I'm specifically looking for the "first-year" blue one with blue bindings featured in the test by Horton in 2012. The ski got a fairly good review and I would like to have one in my collection. Somebody's got to have one collecting dust somewhere ? https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/6685/jobe-rogue-review
  20. Thank you, Nice ski. I think I am going wait and try to find a 67"
  21. Hello, Might be interested in your Rogue. Can you post up some photos please. Also are bindings included?
  22. Wanted: 2012 Jobe Rogue 67" with matching Rogue large bindings
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