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Everything posted by Minelickskier

  1. @1skinut Glad you liked our course in mine lick. When were you there?
  2. It is amazing that so many posters in this thread seem to be proud of their many injuries! Skiers are a damn tough bunch!
  3. I have the tip of a jobe carved into my forehead and a tip of my connelly scar beside my left eye, broken ribs twice, three concussions. Much of this is because I self taught myself most everything without quality coaching, and was very determined. Still skiing most every day though…
  4. @swbca I am not familiar with hurleys that fit like neoprene…but I would bet google could tell you!
  5. I sincerely hope this will lead to some tests and effects on the huge wake from boats intended to create huge wakes. There has to be a limit… Imagine being the guy fishing in his john boat
  6. I didn’t read all of the claims against the boat design, but one of my first thoughts was are they faulting the malibu response design for taking on a huge wake or the malibu surf boat that initiated the huge wall that washed the child out
  7. +1 on the Hurleys…lots of different options to choose from. I like the larger diameter draw string which are easier to double knot so shorts dont come down while skiing…
  8. I have a friend that ruined all of his vinyl using magic eraser, not from scrubbing but from the ingredients, so he said. After using, and then later, in the sunshine the damage was really bad. Had to have all new vinyl.
  9. As a guy who hurt my ankle skiing last summer, I agree with the above post. You may not be back fully this season. I was mostly the boat driver for several weeks…swimming will probably help with therapy, along with exercises like writing your ABCs with your toes and foot. That helped me.
  10. @1skinut the course you skied on is in Raccoon Hollow and yes the set up is close to the shore. The others are in Mine Lick Creek, one behind Pates Ford Marina, and another close to Cookeville Boat Dock. Mine Lick is maintained well, as is Pates Ford, not sure about Cookeville Boat Dock course. There are some beautiful Waterfalls behind Cookeville Boat Dock that you can get close to unless the water level is low.
  11. Center Hill Lake…all of your requests and 4 slalom courses…we ski there at least 65 days a year. It doesn’t disappoint.
  12. Beautiful boat! I am enjoying mine also!
  13. I agree with the need for an option on zo for slightly forgiving, more forgiving, and very forgiving, even if for those days when you might be fatigued, or slightly hungover…
  14. This topic makes me think of how my old girlfriends look today….probably something best not known…
  15. This was fun to listen to...the best thing I learned was about “ swamp butt”...this is a new term for my ski crew and will be used a bunch this summer! LOL
  16. Yes I sometimes free ski with my course ski, but I have friends that free ski on their jumpers
  17. @keithh2oskier agreed! Good advice...no to magic eraser, it can ruin your interior
  18. Holy Moly! That is some serious wood! Beautiful collection!
  19. +1 for hurley phantoms...they dry out really quick
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