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Everything posted by Skiphreak

  1. Bumping this thread. Has anyone spent time on the EVO axis? -15 off 32-34 mph free skier and will be jumping into the course this upcoming season. Currently spending time on 2020 graphite Vapor and syndicate Omni.
  2. Going strong in CT on Moodus Res. Water 50 air temp 50 today.
  3. If a laced binding is what you’re aiming for, I’d recommend the Radar Vector BOA’s. Having had both, I found the BOA gives you the ability to lock in your foot a bit more securely than the HO lace system, while giving you the ability to stay loose on top so you (should) come out in the event of an OTF. I see that the 2022 HO boots offer a similar system to the BOA and assume performance characteristics are similar. If you go w the Vector’s you will need aluminum plates for HO compatibility. PM me if you have any interest in the Vectors. I have a very lightly used pair I bought this past June, but will be moving on to another binding system next season.
  4. Does anyone have any idea when the Omega Max’s will be available? I know HO website says they have suspended the demo program due to “inventory issues”. Dying to get my hands on one before the end the season here in the northeast, but it’s not looking good.
  5. Dave Wingerter talking about the 2022 lineup, which includes Omega Max in different sizes as well as a carbon version.
  6. https://www.ebay.com/itm/HO-Carbon-Omni-69-waterski-with-double-boot-freemax-bindings-for-slalom-skiing-/133845195607?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  7. @Horton I’m assuming the sequence plate universal to any brand ski?
  8. https://newhaven.craigslist.org/boa/d/sandy-hook-2012-nautique-200-team/7344026022.html
  9. @addkerr Thanks for the advice. Am I hurting anything by running it the next few days without swapping? I would rather wait til I get back home if I can.
  10. 2003 Malibu RLXI - has operated at 160 degrees like clockwork since I purchased three years ago. Today, I could not get the engine temp past 140ish. Boat seemed to be operating normally otherwise. Doubt this means anything but we are on vacation and the boat has been sitting in the water on a mooring since last week, whereas at home it gets pulled after each use. Any ideas? Thanks
  11. https://nh.craigslist.org/boa/d/laconia-2000-malibu-sunsetter-ski-boat/7340007683.html Price not ideal, especially without a trailer but…
  12. @tylerh - I have a 2017 Freeride EVO and a practically brand new Carbon Omni that are available. Both 67’. PM me if you have any interest in either.
  13. @jgills88 My local UPS store quoted me $188 from CT to Utah for their cheapest ground shipping. I almost fell over. No FedEx in close proximity. Sounds like USPS is def the way to go. I’m going to give it another shot with them. Thanks everyone!
  14. I have a number of slalom skis I’m looking to unload. The last time I attempted to sell, the shipping rates for UPS and FedEx were higher than what I had even sold the skis for (quotes of $100-200 for ground shipping). For those who have sold skis and shipped considerable distances to buyers, what did you use for shipping and were you paying this much to ship? It just seems like a lot of skis get sold (on SIA for instance) and I can’t imagine people are paying that much to ship. Or am I wrong?
  15. I have a 2003 RLXI. My ski partner has a 2000 MC PS 190. We only free ski and I would consider myself novice at best (32mph -15,-22 off). With regard to your question- I’d say my Malibu has the flatter and softer wake, but the difference at my ability level, I find negligible. I am not at all unhappy to ski behind the MC. I can’t speak for shorter rope lengths or higher speeds. Good luck!
  16. I started slaloming about 3 years ago and ski mostly openwater. Speaking from experience owning both the Freeride and a Carbon Omni, the Omni is a superior ski all around. Very stable, very forgiving at any speed and easy getting up on. You won’t notice a major difference on deep water starts. In your position and having to do it over again, I would start w the Omni (carbon if it’s in your price range).
  17. https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/20444/ho-omni-carbon-vs-ho-omni-sydicate A bit of discussion to your questions here.
  18. Thanks everybody for the tips. Just curious (and a bit off topic) do you guys run antifreeze or just go dry? This is my first winter w this boat (never winterized an inboard previously) and have seen people go both ways. I was planning on not using antifreeze.
  19. I should have also noted that the hoses are not connected to a heater core (the core cracked from age and I haven’t replaced). The hoses are just connected by a plastic connecter piece.
  20. In the middle of winterizing 2003 Malibu RLXI monsoon 335 - boat is equipped w a heater. Do I need to drain the hoses that run to the heater core from the block? Or would have all that water already drained out through the block drain plugs or the J hose? Thanks!
  21. https://www.onlyinboards.com/2000-Malibu-Corvette-for-sale-Naples-Maine-117385.aspx
  22. Seller got a quote of $95 from Greyhound. He’s shipping to me in the next few days. Thanks to everyone for the helpful responses! Knew BOS would steer me in the right direction.
  23. Attempting to purchase a bimini on SIA from a gentleman in OH, but we are running into logistical issues shipping. UPS does not have a box that will fit. Seller has offered to build a crate but I’m thinking that will be extremely costly. Anyone have any experience or suggestion? Thanks!
  24. Thanks for the advice. @skihacker did you end up diagnosing if it was actually just the sensor or something more?
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