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Posts posted by BS74

  1. Can someone tell me how to take apart the 500 release? All I can see is to back out the tension screw all the way. Also, will the spring release kit for the 750 or 840 work in the 500? I ordered a new 840 today but would like to keep the 500 for a back up if I can rebuild it. Thanks
  2. @Horton, the car companies have no choice. Biden mandated that 50% of all new vehicles be EV by 2030, just 8 years from now. Just because the government mandates it doesn't mean people can afford to buy EV"s. As of 2020 38% of families earned less than 50,000 and 55% earned less than $75000, that being two wage earners. It gets even worse when race is entered into it. Factor in rising inflation and these people can't afford these vehicles. WE need a balance and being energy independent allows for the gradual implementation of EV's. In your own state many gas powered tools, off road vehicles, etc. are being banned my 2028. What are the replacements?
  3. @unksskis : Did I miss something, who made you King of the forum? When someone makes a disparaging statement about skiers because of the Network they watch, (So your a Larry Nasser fan? Raping children is cool in your world?) You're damn right I'll fight back! Maybe your political statement should be addressed to the person who brought up Fox news, it wasn't me!
  4. @gjohnson What does your statement regarding Fox have to do with Nassar, just another ignorant response. So all Fox viewers condone rape, what a dick you are! @BraceMaker : Nonsense, sorry, I'm not going to let a statement go that stereotypes a group of skiers based on what network they watch. Did I not say we are independent thinkers, and you are right, can't stand Rivera either, but that's not the point. I agree with @slow, this is a ski site, but I didn't bring it up,
  5. @gjohnson : First of all, Fox wouldn't make it a mandate like the other networks. That's a pretty condescending statement towards the viewers of the most watched station in the country. Believe it or not, we deplorables are educated enough to evaluate and make decisions on our own!
  6. @ETskier : Yes, C. Rossi sent me these #'s: 29 3/4, 6.92, 2.45, .77 and I skied much better. There was only one set of settings or Radar website and originally went with those. Just can't get any calm water right now, getting those north winds in fl. which is a strong cross wind where I ski. Tried again yesterday and the ski was bouncing so bad I just free skied on the N shore.
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