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Everything posted by BCEagle

  1. I share ownership in an OFFcourse, enjoy it, and would recommend it. However, I think the accuracy is not always as clear as those video makes it look. Those videos were shot without a skier. Adding a skier adds a variable and can have an impact. Based on my experience, if you stay on time, the accuracy stays pretty good. However, if you get late, and your pull timing changes, it can rock the boat a little, and cause the next buoy to shoot much further out. (I'm only a 34 MPH 22 off kind of guy and maybe it is my lower ability). Like I mentioned, overall it is great, very fun, reinforces good habits in many ways. I'm just open to any tips if others have experienced that or found a good way to offset that element. thanks!
  2. I had a blast at the tournament. Great people, awesome conditions, 3 pulls, lunch included, t-shirt, etc. Thanks for all your hard work to make it happen!
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