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Everything posted by chaloux

  1. I was looking at that boat as well. It truly does seem like very little out there is selling, and prices are starting to come back to reality again. An 07 196 near me that I posted about previously dropped from 29k CAD to 19k over the last 8 months (also high hours and no trailer, so might sit for a while yet). There are a few others that are dropping as well after sitting. Conversely there's a beautiful 09 196 that has been listed for nearly a year, started at 48cad, and they bumped it up to 56k recently 🤣 I'm not sure about that strategy That PS ad does say it has a leak at a muffler connection - I wonder about the specifics of that and whether it requires a whole muffler or manifold or just a connector as I'm not familiar with how they connect. I'm not scared of higher hours myself, but I would definitely keep some cash lying around for the repairs @Mastercrafter mentioned above. The long block I wouldn't be concerned about if well maintained, but there are so many associated wear items. For reference, my 5.3l 2018 Silverado had over 4000hr operating time and 200k km. Essentially 0 issues with it. But peripherals were starting to show wear signs of upcoming replacement. So if you were to put aside 10-15k for maintenance coming up, is there anything you could find with half the hours for 45-50k to be comparable? There are a few out there, a 50k 2018 I think on SIA and there's a 2014 for 65 CAD up here. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don't know what to do either, lol
  2. I'll have to watch the interview in multiple sessions but the first quarter of it is pretty awesome. I'm not a fan of chiro but all the back/core/pelvis physiology is super interesting to me as a tall, lean guy. Does anyone here do the original 12 minute daily?
  3. Yeah it looked like they were talking but no audio.
  4. I think I'd have a good handle on it after reading this book
  5. If I recall correctly, I believe Jonathan was experimenting with this very idea, he had just finished adding some material and was waiting for it to fully cure before trying it out. I've never had an arm go through the handle but I sure as fook DO NOT want that to ever happen to me. I would switch to this handle type in a second.
  6. Was wondering if you'd chime in! After showing me the prototype when I visited I was curious if there had been any development.
  7. That's rough news, if true, and it's a big if at this point. At the boat show in Toronto a couple weeks ago I almost pulled the trigger on a '23 Prostar that was owned by the McClintocks. I didn't in the end - 100k CAD financed over 20 years was $700/mo, AFTER a 50k deposit. Lol. But the rep said that there were 15 Prostars for NA. Is that right? The number seemed shockingly low, I figured 25 at least. Regardless, these kind of sales numbers are just way, way less than expected. And yes, any new boat is totally out of range for the middle class. My dad purchased a new Supra Comp in 93 for 25k outright, as a single income family, self employed electrician. The divide between wage increases/stagnation and inflation have just not aligned at all. While I don't think that they price of boats is the entire picture, it has to be a part of it.
  8. My biggest injury that affected my skiing last year was actually tripping while I was walking down a set of granite stairs with my ~65lb work tool backpack on and grinding my shins along the edge of 2 steps. Couldn't ski for almost a month which is a good portion of our season up here. So I plan on not doing that again first of all. But in terms of preparation, a good program from my PT for general strength training starting about now, and then in March a more tailored workout routine. Likely won't have a first set until April or May, so a couple months to hone in should be lots of time.
  9. Beautiful boat! So what made you decide to go the Nautique route in the end?
  10. I might have to pick this up just cuz... Would be perfect while I wait/search/save for "the one" https://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/trenton-on/1999-ski-nautique-surf/m4917491
  11. Removed course today. So cold. Should do it earlier next year
  12. The prices at the start of this thread are just totally bonkers. Sheesh. Friggin' ten+ year old boats are going for more than a 5 year old *immaculate* boat at the time. This timeline is just silly.
  13. I can't imagine the ice being more than a foot thick. When I went to put it together this spring I had most of the empty jugs in place and they were floating at the surface over the winter. Unfortunately I can't really get down there to check in the winter, no snowmobile trails and can't go on the river as most of it is open. I think if I sunk it a foot down from the surface that'd be lots - just a few fishermen to watch out for or notify that it's still there. @skimtb and @motoxr I think that either of these options would work - @motoxr you say half way down the line do you mean half way down the rope to the cable or do you mean at the mid point of the course? I'm assuming you mean partially down the rope that goes from the main cable to the buoy. That's exactly what I'm thinking with the half full antifreeze jugs
  14. Very soon. Course will be "out" within the next few weeks, boat as well. Hopefully I can get out a couple more times but we're at the end for sure. Haven't been able to go at all since last Saturday 😞
  15. I'm running last gen double Vapors and love them. I've always used double boots so it made sense when I started getting more serious about slalom. Once they get tired I'd be very happy to jump into new double Vapors (or perhaps venture out and try a RTP).
  16. @Cooper_Trelawney absolutely agree that having to watch the top seeds chase an early score was entertaining as heck. Was so great to see all the skiers have to work hard for those buoys, and some big upsets! Very surprised with Whitney.
  17. So last year I pulled all the buoys off and replaced them with empty plumbing antifreeze jugs (am a plumber). I left the course in the river because my turn ball arms are glued and it's pretty intensive to install/remove. There is also a lot of debris at the bottom - lots of trees and branches. Our river is much larger than nature intended because of being controlled for hydro generation and logging, and when it was all cleared Hydro was supposed to clean everything up and obviously didn't. So I'm hesitant to let it sink fully as that could be a huge pain in the spring to try to raise again. Sometimes if a turn ball comes off and an arm drops to the bottom, the river adapter has to be removed to pull it up because it will get caught on a branch or tree. Not interested in dealing with that with the whole course. This spring I found one buoy arm had snapped, which I was able to recover and repair, but that was pretty much it in terms of damage. This year I'm thinking of filling the antifreeze jugs half full (or whatever is required) to partially sink the course so the jugs don't get caught in the ice. The river moves pretty strongly all winter - max about .5" of ice at the end of our dock, but it is much wider where the course is so I'm sure there's more ice there. Anyone have experience with this? Any recommendations other than fully sinking the course or fully removing it? It's an ez slalom cable course again with glued arms. I will remove the river adapters.
  18. @BraceMakerI believe that's correct. When I heard that stat last year I thought WHAT
  19. What happened to Trinidad's slalom run, will she have to restart from the start? She was cut off about to head into 38 and then the event was interrupted and I couldn't find if/where they talked about it afterwards.
  20. My thoughts exactly, both re: bring a gear junkie and Nate. As Marcus said in his interview with Allie Nicholson in Cali, it's a "between the ears" thing for me... if you can include my entire body as being between my ears. For the most part, anyway. I for sure need a new boat, but that's cheap and easy 🤦🏻‍♂️
  21. Ok so how does a higher hour 200 factor into all this? This just listed 2011 200 is actually a couple grand cheaper than the 2009 listed above, albeit with about 10x the hours. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=68535
  22. On the other end of the spectrum. Any of our Quebec friends know this boat? https://www.groupecontant.ca/bateaux-correct-craft-ski-nautique-196-limited-2009-cs-u59514.html
  23. Correct, afaik the 07 is no ECM change. Despite potentially needing a new trans in the future I definitely want to look at the boat. Gives me a reference point at the very least.
  24. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=67838 Hmm
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