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Posts posted by BKistler

  1. Wiley’s can be uncomfortably tight when they are new. They will eventually loosen up a bit. You can greatly accelerate the process by shoving something like a tapered sports bottle in the binder over night. (Use soap!)


    I second the idea of Radar Vectors. Good support for a beginning skier and much easier to get into.

  2. I once ate lunch with a group of skiers and family members that included Cornelia Wallace, former wife of notorious Alabama governor George Wallace. She had Winter Haven family connections and her son got into tournament skiing.


    Of course Callaway Gardens owner Bo Callaway was Secretary of the Army, a Congressman and nearly became governor of Georgia. Bill Clifford was a buddy of his.

  3. I can’t comment on motor setup but to respond to some of your other questions, in my opinion rope type or length makes no difference; helm location probably makes no difference as long as the weight in the boat is trimmed; hydrofoils probably no help.
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