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Everything posted by skidawg

  1. Marcus has a way of making @horton sound moderately intelligent
  2. Shiner bock big easy slalom tournament---- @jdarwin ? Trick slalom tourney? Wooden Ski/sloppy adjustable binding tournament?
  3. @OB1 - I Will continue to ski for the rest of my life (already started this year). My daughter will also continue to compete, we will be at nationals this year. I am taking a summer off from chasing scores (nothing to prove or gain), but I will be in shape to strap it on for a big score anytime. So my opinion counts. Online blogs can be a think tank of ideas that can foster a new direction.
  4. @OB1 ? Quit what? Skiing, tourneys? all of the above?
  5. @OB1 , everyones opinions should be heard. They open discussion and exchange ideas. without new and different ideas (no matter how valid or stupid) there will be no change. This organization, much like the federal government have been headed down the wrong path for some time now. More rules, regulations, harder to organize events will further decrease participation. A very wise jump ski maker once said, "why does it take more judges to count bouys for 30 class C slalom skiers than it does to officiate an NFL football game". It just doesn't make sense.
  6. Feel free to put me down. Can't let @ski6jones get all the credit
  7. @JackQ ---spike has spent many hours hitting the tournaments and sipping cold ones with us!!!
  8. Coco is a rescue lab mix, don't let her sweet looks fool you, she's a terrifying stone cold killer! Rabbits, skunks, cats-zero discrimination.
  9. Totally looks like a Kevin @Dirt
  10. Great full body exercises as long as they are executed properly
  11. @booze - never apologize for making fun of @horton
  12. Bottom 2 buckles very tight, top cuff medium (old reflex
  13. @ToddL - off topic awarded!!!
  14. I am a slave to double hardshells. I have ridden different radar boots from time to time. They are very nice and i liked them, but after 20 years on the same set up, I am a bit afraid to change.
  15. @zman - no need to wear out your strada, just save it for a backup!!!
  16. @Horton .."One of the things I do not like about the Camaro is that because it is so stretchy I tend to get a little pool of cold water in my crotch when I am in the water between passes. I never notice it much until I enter the course. As I switch edges into one ball all that cold water sloshes up my back. More than anything it is distracting and funny. The Stokes is yet to do this to me. I assume that is because the water that is in the suit can not pool down there - because the stokes is not as ultra stretchy." Perhaps you just have to much spare room down there?????
  17. Gave it up at 30-loved it as much as skiing
  18. Not to mention the massive confusion within one division to even know who ran what line, speed, etc at any given event?
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