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Everything posted by skidawg

  1. The achievement of dating a swimsuit model is directly proportional to zeros at the end of a bank account, that being said. Prolly easier than slalom
  2. Pic was from last year....I like my '17 better, just no pics yet
  3. Now.......put that beauty on the wall and get some new technology
  4. Make sure bindings and fin are in the correct place.
  5. @MS has relations with twins? Hero status achieved!!!1
  6. You found out my new pasttime!!!! Hourly rates available. @horton pays double
  7. Quick Set is possibly the best water on the planet, really gonna miss not being there this weekend.
  8. 6'2" 180, a large is not quite snug enough
  9. A club member at my lake bough a 67 & 66, rode the 67, decided to keep it. His 66 is available (new never been ridden) if any HO guys out there are in need, hit me up and I will get contact info
  10. Big money as title sponsor? Describe big money, prolly not what u think, it would be awesome if there was Goode nats, Obrien big dawg, radar BOS cash prize & Connelly US Open all in the same venue during the same week-it would only attract more participation. One on the pitfalls of our sport is private venues with smaller participation. All the ski companies are set up to sell at nationals every year, having an accompanying event by another sponsor will only bring more participation to the table. One of the big reasons I have skied nationals in the past is because the Obrien big dawg was run in conjunction.
  11. Very selfish move on the part of the title sponsor to get this squashed. This could be a spark to get the nationals back in the right direction
  12. I would be 100% in for a non-sanctioned event on the fourth lake under the radar banner bucking the system. Wonder the justification for the denied sanction- title sponsor conflict? Mmmmmm? Second best idea @Horton has ever had (actually had more people interested in going to a worn out boring pointless event.)
  13. Power of the pro build, 41 off magic
  14. Looks like @Horton got in Gallaghers shoe closet again!!!!
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