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Everything posted by Deke

  1. Marco, Yes I have been on RS-1's 2 seasons now. If your up in town, I have them at home right now. Deke
  2. Marco, I can't imagine an achilles injury in RS-1's unless you really cinch them down and your achilles is about to go anyway. You might give them a try.
  3. What is it that you feel a ski like the Senate does that helps you progress? I am one who more recently, through coaching, has "discovered" how important good technique is. Believe me, at 15 off I have a long way to go! I ski on a D3 RC and never really felt like the ski was getting in the way. Then again, I haven't tried anything else. Any more thoughts about this?
  4. We're about to wrap it up in the next couple of weeks. The course is coming out due to low water and then we'll freeski a bit to ease our way out. As much as I hate to see summer go, I can't wait for snow ski season.
  5. Deke


    Hello, my name is Deke. [long pause] ... I'm a lurker :-)
  6. IMO the advantage of the plate is that once you have your bindings set in relation to each other, a forward/back adjustment is just two screws and slide. Also, you can move your binding setup from ski to ski really easily. Deke
  7. "My RS-1 boots just turned 2 and they are still in very good shape. There is nothing to corrode or rust and normal maintenance would be to change the bushings the plate rides on about every 4 months (8 sets/week) and maybe replace an elastic lace if it wears out" Mine just turned 2 also. However, my lining fabric inside of the intuition liner is delaminated and torn. Radar says they've been improved and are sending replacements. Also, the bushings have been upgraded from aluminum to stainless steel to help with the frequent wear problem. I only have about 20 sets on mine so I can't really comment on that.ÂÂ
  8. "They are less bulky." What is less bulky about them? I have a set of 2010 liners on the way to replace my prematurely shot RS-1 liners. Hopefully they are not really different from the the RS-1's because it could cause problems with my fit. Deke
  9. John, Great review! I'm curious about your comment about your first Elite, " This was really odd because I was both incredibly early and narrow." What do you think was going on? What did you change relative to where you were to make the next ski so completely wide all of the time? Deke
  10. Check out this thread. Lots of different ideas! http://ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=1229&page=1#Item_16
  11. You guys are way over my level but here's my humble take FWIW. If you want to change skis, you must be doing it for a reason. What attributes are you looking for or what doesn't your current ski do that you want it to? If you don't feel that pretty quickly, why bother changing? OTOH, you might get on it and "discover" something you like and decide you want to work with it. Still should be a fairly quick intuitive thing though. As far as the fin goes... If you're messing with the fin right out of the gate, you might be trying to make it feel like your old ski anyway. Deke
  12. I wear 10.5 shoes, but 10 RS-1's with superfeet. Guess I'm too used to snow ski boots...
  13. Thanks Eric. I think I get it now. The front rotation for me is a comfort thing. It took a lot of stress off of my knee now that it is aligned more naturally, but I do wonder what other effects it may have. Honestly I didn't notice much change in the skiing. Deke
  14. So then, the question is... why not rotate the front as well?
  15. Can someone explain what off-centering does?
  16. Yes, you can pivot both front and rear.
  17. Still wondering... What would be wrong with pivoting the front out as opposed to moving it over? Wouldn't it accomplish the same thing?
  18. Richard, I had always heard that overfilling was a bad thing for seals. The other thing I wonder is, why does Malibu recommend not using synthetic tranny fluid? I'd use it in a heartbeat if I new more about it. Deke
  19. Tuney, Tell Wiley's what you are mounting to and where you want their bindings located. It's much easier to have them modify than it is for you to hack them once you get them. They may need you to make a hole template of your ski with a measurement to relate it to the tail. Deke
  20. I use Zip-Fit brand footbeds and have them inside the liner. Laces are just barely "firm". Trust me, they release fine!
  21. Best of all would be to try skis AND be coached. I think I would trust a coaches eye above my own limited experience and judgement when checking out a new ride. Deke
  22. Does the ARC mean bent or is it like ARS (anti-roll)? Does anyone make the ARS beside In-Tow?
  23. The "blanking" problem is interference from something else in your instrument panel. Are you driving a Malibu? It is mentioned in the manual and on Malibu's has been found to be the depth finder. If you reroute the display harness down through the furthest hole away from the depth finder it may clear it up. You can verify this by disconnecting the depth finder temporarily. Perfect Pass does a great job of troubleshooting with you if you call. No need to bash, I'm sure it is something quite simple. Deke
  24. Is that your Elite? : )
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