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Posts posted by tsixam

  1. How about reverse slalom? On our club championships we used to start at our PB and then lengthen the rope or slow the boat down until we missed.  We also had short jumping. The one who could jump the shortest distance was the winner. To be a good short jumper you had to master the reverse double cut. We also had a nude jumping competition, but that is another story… Tsixam

  2. I skied my first tourney after ZO this weekend. My impression is that it is much harder than SG or PP. 2 days before the tourney I practiced behind ZO for the first time. I started with the B setting.  I had some slack at the balls and on the next session I tried A instead but the slack problem got worse. On C I did not have any slack but it felt much faster. In the tourney I skied C and the best result I got was 2 balls below my PB. As long I skied well it felt ok but as soon as I got to my hope-to-make-pass it felt impossible to get more than 2.  One mistake and I had no chance to make up.


    I know that a lot of you don´t like ZO, but what are your feelings, have you come to the same conclusion as I have?


  3. A good way to improve quicker is to have a game plan. It´s very easy to practice on too many things at the same time, hips forward, handle tight, knees bent, don´t let up, head level and so on.  Try to do some brain work and try identifying the areas where you think you need to improve the most. When you have found them, you make a plan and try to improve one area at the time and stick to that area until it´s not your weakest area any longer. Then you go on to the next area. After some time you will have to identify some new areas to improve because the old problems will hopefully be your strongest areas.


  4. Another thing to consider is the set up for the gate. A common mistake is to pull out to early and loosing speed and width. If you don´t have about the same speed as the boat, the acceleration will be too great. The result will be that the boat is pulling you of your edge and you will ski straight to 1 on a flat ski. If you on the other hand start from a higher speed, the acceleration will be less and you will be able to have a nice edge on the second wake and you can let the ski arc out and make a nice turn with a tight line.


  5. MS was right. I was 6 balls of my pb. But I don´t think it was SG´s fault. I think it felt pretty good to ski behind. I started at 28, it felt a little bit squirrelly,( I was nervous) 32 felt very nice. Then at 35 I skied right on 1 and turned way too hard and could not hold on. The only thing I noticed was that my gate timing was a bit off. It felt like I was coming in slower to my turn in than I am used to. To the second round I adjusted and let the boat pass the pre gates and it felt ok again. My 28, 32 and the beginning of 35 felt great. I had a super no 3 and was really wide and early for 4 but then for some strange reason I got too far back on the ski and could not make a good turn. I managed to reach 5 but I was very late. If I had calmed myself down I would probably have made it but I turned too hard and could not hold on. The famous five-ball-monster got me again.

  6. Thanks for the advice. 

    I skied 2 passes today, with times on the hot side. I skied well, up to my ppb twice. I am looking forward to try SG and I feel pretty confident. I will let you know what I think about SG and if I ski well I will let you know the result../vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-wink.gif


  7. I am going to my first tournament of the year this weekend. I just found out that the speed control will be SG in a 08 Malibu. I don´t have a chance to practice on site before the tournament. What differences can I expect compared to my 2000 SN with PP 6,4?


  8. For me, it´s important to hold on with two hand as long as possible. When I do that with my elbows close to my vest I can keep the outward direction much easier. Try not to drop your inside shoulder and your head.

  9. Thomas, 

    I read about it on the other forum. It´s impressive and interesting, the work you have done. I am quite sure you can post the info here as long as you don´t make it your personal web shop or a marketing channel. So far I have been lucky and I have not had any handle related accidents. But I admit that I have become more concerned after all the accidents that have happened.



  10. I tried to ski without the wing yesterday. I started at 28 off, and then skied 5 passes at 32 off. To my surprise I didn´t notice any major differences in the way my ski behaved. The tip of the ski was a little bit higher at the end of the turn on both sides and I gained some width. The biggest change was that the whole set felt a little bit more unstable. I think that one of the advantages with a wing is that it stabilise the ski. 

    On the second set I had put on a small grind down wing. See attachments. I started at 28, skied 4x32 and 2x35. The ski tip was lower than on the first set without a wing, but I still gained some width. I could not feel that the wing was braking. The biggest difference between no wing / wing was that the ski was much more stable than without. It also felt like it was easier to keep the direction after the second wake. It´s going to be interesting to see how the mini wing works when I push it a little bit further.





  11. Lakewaterjunky,

    I have never used any glasses while skiing but I have used contacts for about 15-20 years. I have never had any trouble with them and I have never lost any while skiing, and I can assure you that I have had a few OTF. The advatages is that you never have to worry about any straps or floating devices, and you don´t have any problems with fog or rain. If you can use contacs, try them for skiing. If you are using the kind you change everyday, the cost, if you loose them, will not be to high.


  12. Yes, I hope I grow a lot more hair on my chest, from skiing in lousy conditions. This weekend was much better. The water was 48,2 and air about 51. It almost felt like a summer ride compared to the weekend before. It is amazing how fast you get your timing and feeling back. The first pass you feel like a complete beginner, then after three passes it feels like 38 is just around the corner.   In the poll, 11 persons admit that they are just as crazy as I am. That is comforting.

    544 people think that my wife is wrong and that I am just devoted to waterskiing. ( I wonder if John has anything to do with that figure?). 3 persons obviously know who I am./vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif





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