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Everything posted by disland

  1. Winter skiing at Princeton Lakes. Not quite up to the craziness of the Northwest boys but we are trying.
  2. Princeton Lakes has been very successful. To Joe's comments we have a lot of non skiers who like living on a lake and proximity to DFW can support that
  3. How about a hydrofoil. Is there anything in the rules that specify that the boat has to displace water?
  4. Almost the minute after my last post I got an email back from Radar. "This problem is resolved in the update (being releases in a few days). At the moment, you must hit Edit/Save or select any values from the pop-up wheel (i.e. Temp). The new version had a full notepad when you turn the phone sideways."
  5. I downloaded the app, and played with it a little during a conference call. it has some cool features like using the LBS capability to automatically populate your location and the temperature and wind speed. In the web world that called a mash up. Impressive! Â I noted a couple of things and sent them into Radar via the tool which generates an email. Â We will see if they actually monitor that or it goes into a black hole, Â 2 quick items, 1.when i entered notes for the set and then saved them when I went back they are lost. (might be user error but I couldn't make it work) Â 2. From what I can see there is no way to upload the log. This is a negative as it make your ability to post process the data or analyze any trends very limiting
  6. Get Lasik, I did and I dont know why I didnt sooner
  7. If you watched Wengen today there is no shortage of adrenaline at that place.
  8. So Chris, My question is why dont all you slalom stars, from Utah, Tahoe or Whistler who get to spend every winter in the mountains race gates. I dont get to snow ski as much as I would like but when i do I love the challenge of racing and running gates
  9. 299 euros before shipping, Ouch thats $400
  10. Has anyone used one of these half mil full suits. They sure look flexible. Isn't there another brand other than Camaro that has a similar product as well. I would be interested to hear if the suit was durable. It seems like such a thing would rip easily.
  11. If they were made in the USA they would cost $150
  12. Hmm are all those kids in the video extreme skiers, We need fans not more b1 skiers. Closest we have come is LA night jump. That is the model
  13. water skiing needs something like this. No reason it cant be this cool
  14. In this case the skier is left hand palm up, the view is facing the boat
  15. Bud man your explanation is right on, Thanks
  16. Yes, I agree, the sharpness of that bend has more to do with my inability to use power point than the concept
  17. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_18ss5BG3K9U/TSpJIeQAJAI/AAAAAAAAAA8/zHEbqrwojpM/s640/butterfly%20handle.jpg  Ok Ballers, My concept is to build a handle that is curved in the vertical plane. I belive this would reduce strain on the elbow and bicep by not forcing the left hand as shown to pronate all the way in the counter clockwise direction.  Note it would have to have the bent at the end to ensure that the pull did not induce the handle to twist  Does anyone know someone who has made handles that would be willing to build a prototype of this design?  Thanks  Dave
  18. Has anyone lined up a Centurion Carbon Pro promo for their tournaments next season. I would love to get one for a record 3 event tournament at Princeton in June. Who is coordinating?
  19. Princeton had the annual polar bear club. We had 2 slalom skiers, 3 barefooters and 2 wakeboarders. Â Air temp 37 water 47. My son skied in shorts. he's 15 so he is either not smart enough, or old enough yet to wear a dry suit.
  20. Please add Mystic Lakes in Witchita. I belive they are having the Jr US Open next summer  http://mysticlakes.org
  21. Jump needs to be marketed as an extreme sport. No way those guys jumping 30 feet on a half pipe compare to 240 feet off a ski ramp but TV makes like its extreme. Â Jump has gotten caught up in the boring 3 event arena. If it came out today as a stand alone event and was marketed correctly it could be huge. A similar situation like Bull Riding. They broke away from rodeo and marketed more as an extreme event and it has gotten huge.
  22. I met some folks who have a course in a lake in Marlboro.
  23. OK, so forward works better in cold water. We have come to the same conclusion here in Princeton. Water temp about 45 right now. Question we had yesterday- What will the indication or break down be when the fin has been moved too far forward?
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