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Everything posted by disland

  1. The Masters needs to re-think everything or they will end up losing thier prestige (if they havent done so already)
  2. @lpskier read my post, I said Nationals should qualify you for "big events" i.e. worlds, Jr US Open Under 21 worlds, Jr Masters, etc
  3. Event holders need to stop using the ranking list for ANYTHING and then no one will care, which is how it should be. Qualification for big events should be based on winning or placing in national championships, with some relatively low baseline score so someone doesnt show up from Zimbawe skiing long line
  4. Its important to rememeber, we can overlay ability based right on top of what we do today with ZERO rule chnages. Only cost is more medlas. I know the purest will cry "everyone gets a medal" and all that but what have we got to lose. I did tennis for many years, only the elite (like less than 1%) compete in age divisions. Everyone else competes in ability based divisions. Now dont get me wrong there are problems with sand bagging by the few folks who want to cheat. But the majority of players want to play people who are at their level.
  5. @Horton we need a "that hilarious" button for @MISkier
  6. I misunderstood the question. I thought you were only asking about water ballast not lead bags
  7. 2021 Class C tournament, sure-path is being used. At the end of a pass sure-path shows red "mandatory re-ride"
  8. At the risk of looking like a wally I am hoping I can help others. So when I bought this ski I got the Goode RTP plate. I spent all kinds of time making sure the front binder was exactly where it was supposed to be. I didnt think much about the back binder and just mounted it up thinking "they must have it in the right place right?' well after struggling with this thing for a couple months I went to Chets for a lesson. I told him I was having trouble getting my back foot all the way into the binder. He told me to look at maybe customizing it to get it to fit. So I went home and compared the new one against my old 44" ski. I measured the rubber and the size was the same, but when I tried them side by side it was clear that on the new ski my back foot was off center to starboard by at least an inch. Well that explains a lot I thought. So I had to take it completely apart. The good news is these RTP plates have lots of holes so I was able to do some measuring and figured out what holes to use. I ended up moving the rubber piece an inch forward on the plate and about an extra hole on each side for added width. Skied it this morning and it was a completely different ski. I imediately was able to do replicate my complete run from last summer and now I can start working on new tricks
  9. https://facebook.com/waterskination/posts/2227351050840443 This is stacked
  10. @Rpc29 you would still need the antenna. having just set it up i am now convinced you really dont want this thing on your regular phone.
  11. All of this engine idle issue is based on the premise that the resale value of a boat is based on engine hours. But do hours really matter? How long will a well mainteined engine last? 2500? 5000? 7500? my hypothsis is that this number importance is greatly exagerated and that there are many more important variables that effect the boat value. High on the list is how it was used, and how it was stored, and how well maintained the other parts of the boat such as interior gel coat and so on.
  12. Ballers, with Sure-path it can work with wifi, provided you have full lake coverage. I happen to work for a company that sells outdoor Wi-Fi solutions www.cambiumnetworks.com I may be going out on a limb here, but I would be happy to help any Ballers who would like to discuss how to make such a system work. Just PM me and we can get started. Dave
  13. @Jtim3032 I live on my lake, so if I deploy an outdoor wifi AP such that I have wifi coverage on the lake that will work also correct?
  14. Can a rover connect to an iPhone acting as a wifi hot spot?
  15. @Jtim3032 So no more calling in times over a radio? That would be awesome
  16. The Russians can hack the pentagon, if you want to cheat that bad be my guest
  17. If you use the Boat Path measuring system and no end course video what do you send in with the TC report?
  18. @horton please read the article again. I didnt see anything in there about taking the competition part out of sport. He wants to take the BS out. Here are a couple of random ideas for waterskiing 1. plan tournaments so the kids know when they are skiing. The old school way of having everyone show up at 7:00 AM, to find out they dont ski until 11:00 sucks. 2. Make sure there is a social plan for tournaments where there are enough juniors in attendance when it makes sense. 3. Overlay some fun tounament ideas on top of the usual competition to make it fun. Not instead of but in addition to. I ma sure there are a ton more ideas along these lines that folks can come up with
  19. @unksskis unfortunately all my flips are in the jump event
  20. OK, I am 6 sets in to this ski. For reference I am 190lbs and trick 1250 points. I want more. First sets were in cold texas then one here in Florida. The ski does not make tricking easier. It does let you go slower. I had to experiment with speed, binding placement and rope length. I need to take a lesson to get it dialed in. I am now tricking at 14mph, and I shortened the rope 6 feet off. I still cant make all my tricks yet but getting closer. I am going to stick with it because the falls at 14mph are so much more forgiving than at 18.5 mph on my 44" ski. I am optimistic I will trick more often and try more new tricks with this ski. I will report back after I get more sets in.
  21. @jjackkrash well I guess the answer is they are! great news
  22. Its November and its too late to order a 2021 Mastercraft or Nautique?? No wonder they dont want to have a promo program. They are selling everything they want to manufacture by doing nothing. If they can do that every year why sponsor any pros? why spend anything on marketing? hec why even have dealers? (to sell wake barges I guess) Tesla doesnt have dealers.
  23. How to deal with Collegiate is a problem that needs to be thought thru. Everyone says that were growth comes from. If there are no promo boats how will Collegiate get pulled
  24. Lots of really good skiers here in North Texas
  25. How about a 1 tournament price, a 2 tournament price and $85 for unlimited tournaments.
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