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Alberto Soares

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Posts posted by Alberto Soares

  1. Alberto Soares, 47, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, civil engineer, married, 2 daughters (12 and 4). CB Nautique 2010, 6.0 lt (Thank you Jody Seal for the numerous tech help) Skiing since 7, in the course since 20 at www.clubeserradamoeda.com.br , have skied every other day for the last 15 years (+/- 350 sets/year), but only had the opportunity of being coached last 2 years. Currently on a 65 Nano One (best ski ever - 6.799/2.51/0.758 needle/8.5 and 28") with Reflex/R-Style. 38´s are coming often with new ski, looking forward next year results, might be the best of my life...
  2. I have been using the reflex front and r-style back for the last year. Before that skied with double goode PS for many years. Needed a couple months to adapt as it feels harder than PS, but after many hard falls and OTFs I am very happy with them. I would like to say also that the double PS in my opinion is a fine and safe system, at least for me, the problem is the dual lock, you never know how it will release.
  3. @Mr. Jones - I have been using it since November/2011 with the strap all loose, about 1 month ago I took it back to the center hole, I did noticed some difference, but really cant tell yet if it is better of worse. Next time I ski I will restrict even more the movement to get a better feeling and will inform you.
  4. I skied many years with Goode Double Powershells (PS4 and PS5) - since Goode started selling them. Had some pre-release, but ended finding the right amount of dual lock, never hurt myself skiing about 400 sets a year. It is not like that with everybody, one of my best friends ruptured his back foot aquiles while I was driving him, it took to long to his PS5 release. It is a fact also that the dual lock gets old and you have to replace it at least once a year.


    I got tired of the repairing my PS system and changing the dual lock frequently, so 2 years ago I bought a Reflex front with R-style (half boot) in the back. I love the setup and feel very safe with it. Once in a while when I finish skiing I pull the tip of my ski to release the system in the water and check if the releasing pressure is ok.

  5. Marco, I am hitting my head at 38 since I slowed to 55k (about 6 years ago). Right now I almost dont miss a 35, even with the bad wind conditions we get here frequently, but cant complete a single 38.


    About 1.5 year ago I found a way of skiing that made me get many 38`s and man, that felt easy... I was skiing with less angle in my turns and a soft pulling until the second spray, as I was not spending much energy my sets jumped from 6/8 passes to 10/12 passes. Unfortunately I lost that timing and have not completed a 38 in quite a while.


    In the last months I have slowed the boat to 54.4, even to 54, but I dont feel it has helped much, in fact I feel that at lower speeds I tend to attack the bouys harder, get the slack, get back to position and still have time to get to the next bouy, but thats not what I feel I should do.


    Anyways, what Razorskier1 said is exactly what I think we all should try to do.

  6. Latin American Championship in Argentina, the site was 30 min from Buenos Aires so we shared a taxi. A friend from Peru had just arrived and was taking his ski to the site on the top of the car. The driver was about 60 mph when the ski flew away from the car in the highway, a car behind ran over the bag and it got stucked bellow the car. We passed the car waving but the old driver did not noticed he was dragging something bellow his car. When he finally stopped we had to lift the car to get the ski out of there. Luckly the worst damage was made to the bag and vest and Gonzalo won the +35 with a badly scratched ski.
  7. 2 cases that happened with me:


    1 - I was driving for a friend who took the new girlfriend watch him ski, handle hit the nose of the girl and broke it really bad. Imagine him taking the girl back home and telling her father the bad news...


    2 - I was also driving and the rope engaged reverse at 36mph, the transmission did not break, at least not that day...



  8. I have a Reflex ski without inserts, it came with the Bondplate (see Reflex quote bellow), it works great. I have also 2 ski friends that use it on their Goodes.




    "The Bondplate is a new mounting system for skis without inserts. the "Bondplate" is an adhesive plate in "G10" material. Screws are positioned according to international standard and allow easy assembly and disassembly of your waterski bindings. (HO, D3, Connelly, Radar, Wiley...). The plate is placed on your ski within 5 minutes, without technical expertise. The "bondplate" does not change the flex of the skis but contributes to their longevity."

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