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Posts posted by LZywicki1

  1. @Horton "If you can't ski.... do something fun. Hell drink beer and sleep on the engine cover if that is the best you can do." Hell I can't even drink beer without the chance of a major flare-up.


    Forget wake surfing, wake skating the course is better. But honestly its more about getting down to the lake that's the problem. As you all know being a semi-private lake the only real good time for the course is the early morning and it takes about 2-3 hours after I wake up before I can get out the door.


    @gregy Tried all the drugs that the GI Dr's have, there the same ones that a Psychiatrist would use but a lower dosage, wasn't good at all. Looked into the food allergies and nothing, now looking at food intolerances. Been doing Yoga, acupuncture and FODMAPS diet.


    Thank you all

  2. I know that being on the water should help. It did when a dislocated my knee wakeboarding 10 years ago, it was an injury and thought I'd be back after rehab.


    This time I'm fitting IBS-D. No rehab., just doctors, hospital, cramping, loss of sleep and weight, med,s that cause more problems, pain management clinics besides trying to keep working. When I can get out it helps most of the time, its all the times that I can't or canceling at the last moment.


  3. I'm probably like most of you, been skiing most of my life, worked hard to have a boat and like on or by a lake, and ski as long as the lake isn't frozen. For the past 3+years I have been dealing with physical health and pain issues, (and now the mental toll), that make it very difficult or impossible for me to ski or set up our course with my friends anymore. Any advice from my fellow skiers would help, looking at the lake and not being out there is painfully.
  4. Normally we start the beginning of March. Lake was about 1/3 open Easter. 3 days later the lake opens and my neighbor puts in and takes a quick run. He was so jealous that I was skiing down in warm Texas, (thanks again @Moskier3ev), that he just had to and it was brutal. Weather still hasn't been good, but we've been out 5 times in the past weeks. Water isn't getting warmer with all the rain, but where higher then normal for time of the year
  5. After see the Dr. and getting a MRI on my shoulder, I have a bone spur that affects the rotator cuff. Rehab was going to be about 3-4 months. Before going in, Dr. recommended trying an topical gel call Voltaren, spelling might be wrong. It's like ben-gay with a anti-inflammatory. Worked wonders for me and no surgery.
  6. Had the same problem 2 years ago. I was on a X5 for 5 years and going to an X7. I had purchased another set of identical bindings so it wouldn't feel to different going between the 2 skis, (was going to use the old ski as a back-up or what I would call my Sunday ski). Figured I would start the year off after a long winter with the old ski and work into the new. I ended up going with the new ski. Why? After a long winter break the first couple of times out everything feels different and it take a while to get into the groove, so why not just start out with the new. I did set up the new ski with the binding and fin setting the same as the old. It took a while to real comfortable, but not to much longer then normal when starting a new season.


    I would start off with the new so I wouldn't have to mess with getting a new ski to work mid season, but that just my opinion. Good luck.

  7. @mino Well lets say I know a Steve on Commerce Lake that is friends with a couple my friends, he had a Malibu Sunsetter and now I believe he has a Response. If you can, let me know what you find out about Lyons Ski Club. It would be nice to ski without wally's and a line up once and a while
  8. My name is Larry Zywicki, I'm 56 and ski on Middle Straits Lake in W. Bloomfield MI with my wife and 2 daughters. Oldest is a grad. student at Texas State and the youngest a junior in hight school. I'm a Field Service Eng./Project Manager for Thermotron, we make high performance environmental test equipment.In other words I'm jack-of-all-trades and master of none.



    I've been skiing for about 35 years now and just love to be out on the lake, (skiing or not), it just takes all the pain and troubles of the day and floats them down stream. PB was 6@32 about years ago before I took a small detour to the dark side and dislocated my knee wakeboarding. Now I'm trying to run 28 off with soconsistentlynly but keep getting stuck going around 4 ball most times.

  9. While replacing the laces on my bindings during the holidays my oldest daughter, (thats home for the holidays from grad school at Texas State), ces up to me and mentions that they have a ski team. Why I'm only hearing about this how I'm not sure, I thought I taught them better. Any one have any info on the San Marcos River Ranch, looks like they train there? We did make a quick stop by the Texas Ski Ranch when we went down to move her in. No ski course or tow boat, just wkaeboard.
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