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Everything posted by Chef23

  1. I know there are wakeboard vests with pockets built in for MP3 players so something must exist. I would look for a wakeboard forum and see what they have to say there.
  2. I thought the handicap division was great it was fun to be able to have people from different divisions compete against each other.
  3. Than skied great yesterday. There was a big group of skiers running into 38 off. It was a lot of fun to watch for me who is a chop and skied like crap.
  4. How are the A1 and the Strada different.
  5. The ZO issue is about the engine and ECM. If they are replacing all the electronics you should be able to get an engine and ECM that will run ZO.
  6. I wish my kids weren't planning on college or I would be all over one of these. I was in and skied behind a red version of that boat this weekend and it was a great boat.
  7. I don't get pissed when I ski poorly in practice. I do get frustrated when I bite in tournaments like this weekend when I never got past 5 ball at 28 off. I am usually rant while I am on the water and am able to be over it by the time I get to the dock. I realize that being at the lake hanging out with my family and friends beats the snot out of working.
  8. The best thing you can do for that ski is put a Schnitz Slot fin on it. Here are some 66" numbers from Pro Ski Coach. You could start there if you can't find anything else. http://www.proskicoach.com/skis/HO/Monza/2005
  9. Congrats on skiing well Eric. Phillipa Shedd who is British lives and skis in the US also.
  10. Paragraphs don't work for me when I use the Google Chrome browser. The work fine with IE.
  11. I agree on the used front I would never buy a new one. You might want to tell the dealer you would consider it to get him to total the boat.
  12. I rode in a 2010 as a boat judge this week and my only comment is that it is loud. The ski wake is fantastic the kids particularly loved skiing behind it.Â
  13. If it was me I would push to total it. The dealer can sell you a new boat.
  14. I think I can get the upgrade for $495.
  15. Jody, would the Star Gazer master module work in my 2002 Malibu Response LX with PP Digital Pro. I have the multiline display.
  16. I didn't know I need to be physically fit. That is definitely my problem that I will try to fix over the winter.
  17. Shane I like that idea I might try it with mine.
  18. My 11 year old goes through new passes like crazy but he is on a different learning curve than I am. I am thinking by next year or worst case the year after he will be beating me. What do you mean to work through a new rope length. Do you mean to make a pass or to own it where you feel like you can make it every time? I have come to own 28 off this year and make 32 maybe 15-20% of the time. I don't get through 32 enough that I can talk about how I do at 35. I am hoping it doesn't take me 3 more years to own 32.
  19. I bring that attitude to my golf but I don't generally to my skiing. I may do that next week leading into my final tournament of the year. I definitely will lose something that was working if I stop thinking about it.
  20. The move to Strada's would be very easy and they definitely provide better control than the Wiley's.
  21. Mart, that is a different ski. The 2.0 is a little bit wider.
  22. We ski with someone about your level that picked up a Sixam 2 point earlier this year and I think it has helped his skiing.
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