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Posts posted by skibrain

  1. I’m not going to answer your question, but I’ve found that trying new skis requires significant time for me. A few binding and fin set ups a little over a few weeks...sometimes moving things more dramatically, adjusting my technique to work better with the ski I am trying.... Going back to my old ski for a week.... switching back again to the test ski....


    It can be fun or frustrating. I try to focus on free skiing during this time. sometimes I’ve bought and tried (highly endorsed) skis for an entire season before selling and moving on.



  2. We ski 150 acre public water and have found that few Surfers or wakeboarders are early risers. 95% of the time we are off the water by 7 a.m. and while not addressing erosion it mostly solves for flat water for skiing.


    But any power boating requires being a good neighbor. We’ve added FA exhaust to the boat, when skiing the course we modify our turn at one end to throw less sound at a nearby residence. When there are fishermen on the lake we try to give them space. And pretty frequently we motor over and actually talk to a fisherman or wakeboarder - express understanding of their right and desire to be on the water, explain the pattern we’re running, that we are skiing for an hour and then will be gone. Then we stay out of their way or drop early if someone moves. Yeah sometimes a pain, but frequently people honestly don’t get that we’re after flat water. And most of the time it works.


    Since at this point you are talking about 5 wakeboats, some face to face conversations seem possible. Get to know them. Try to enlist the wakeboat owners in an effort to be good lake users so there isn’t a clamp down on everyone. Allies instead of enemies is honestly not my first emotion when they show up, but it’s a start before it escalates to lake rules that are at odds with skiing.


    Good luck.

  3. Out of my dry suit now. I’ve won my Stokes shorty three times this past week. 60-62 degree water. 58-62 air. Early morning overcast.


    It’s cold of course when I first hop into the lake, but I find the smooth-skin design sheds water and keeps me warm once out of the water and skiing, and I don’t need to throw on my parka while driving. ?

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