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Posts posted by skibrain

  1. I would recommend learning your deep water start with only two people in the boat. Skier technique aside, reduction of passenger weight will make a huge difference.


    Otherwise, a18’ boat with a 115 outboard is borderline adequate power. I’ve done a lot of skiing behind outboard-powered boats.

  2. Our ice went out just last week. Imagine if your “spring” - at best - started mid to late April (that’s crazy cold drysuit weather for a few weeks followed by merely cold weather until end of May). That gives us a stretch of 4 months here in MN, until it is sort of crazy colder weather for another month and a half before boats get winterized.


    There is a serious urgency to get something working great ASAP - optimizing scant time on the water. I hear the “try a bunch of skis” sentiment. Cool idea if I skied in big blocks of time in an endless summer. But therein lies the beauty of BOS: helping to find best regarded gear with input on setups, if not stock, that maximize fun and time on the water. I value that.

  3. @Horton love the video tour down memory lane. I know you avoid comparing skis, but assuming skis didn’t wear out or get tired, is there one of the oldies you’d still be skiing on in preference over skis of the last 3-4 yrs?


    And in that, perhaps a perspective question on new gear: chasing and finding new and improved, or more of a lure down a rabbit hole that is actually a distraction from working on the skier?

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