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Posts posted by Phil2360

  1. Got some organised,

    Big thanks to @richarddoane, for going out of his way to do a favor for a

    fellow Baller.


    @horton, this is one of the real benefits of being a part of this site.


    Thanks again Richard. Most appreciated.






    Looking like another day of shitty, stormy weather here.


  2. Lookin' forward to a bit more than the Fortnightly skiing time table this season.


    Hoping to get back to at least a couple of trips out per week or better again.

    Want to get 22 back solidly under my belt again in the next few weeks & then trying

    to topple my 4 @ 28 before the years out.


    My 2 boys are now at the age where they are demanding their priorities on their week with the mother, So that means more skiing!


  3. Interestingly,

    My GPS had been spot on the last few mornings, total distance always about 3.12km,

    until this morning when it jumped twice. About 500m each time, to give a total distance of

    over 4 km.


    East Tx, I guees you do realise that that's not just the antenna, but the complete GPS unit, so any thing could have been possible as far as faults are concerned.





  4. Actually got a HO Level Binding on on it ATM. Screw holes are a bit too wide for the embedded aluminium strips embeded in the ski.


    @MattP, did think of an adaptor plate, would be a fair bit more work than inserts, & actually currently got just screws into the deck as well as some velcro to help take some of the load away from the screws.


    Sure I can get plenty of resin/epoxy etc around the inserts to increase their strength & will still keep the velcro to help share the load.


    Hey it's an old 1980 Trick ski, but still serves the purpose of getting a bit of a change from slalom at times when conditions are bad on the course, but edges of the lake are still OK.


    Always a bit of fun to try & maintain my 1000 odd point trick run, as it is some 30 odd years later.



  5. @BraceMaker,

    Understand that the core is not all that strong. Int this case Aluminium Honeycomb, but stronger than the top deck.


    There are actually alloy strips under the top deck for the original fitting to screw into, but unfortunately these strips are placed too narrow for any of the current bindings, so the screws miss them & just go thru the top deck.


    Would certainly be doing as you suggest as far as reinforcing the area where the inserts would be located.


    Looks like the first on those sites only ship via UPS which would blow costs oout to here.





  6. Isn't a Skippers responsability to minimise his wake?


    "Vessel operators are responsible for damage caused by their wake. Slow down and minimize disturbance or damage to other vessels, docks, floating homes and shoreline installations. "


    Doens't gel with me when the fill everything possible with ballast, load the boat to the hilt & then cruise past the shores looking for an additional audiences.


    Very inconciderate!


    Interesting to see how much "Air" the average trick skier gets behind a ski boat anyway.

  7. Interesting on Sunday. Two non engaging runs. Wasn't driving so not sure what was happening, but...

    On the 25km drive back to town I could not get my TomTom SatNav to get a fix despite turning it on & off several times.


    Interestingly a few hours later the TomTom grabbed Satellites straight away when I turned it on again.


    Maybe there's some rogue data coming from one of the satellites ATM & causing issues when it's in view.


  8. How short is it @Wish?


    We disengage after the 55's & then drive just under engagement RPM until we straighten out of the turn.


    Seems to get us pretty spot on by the Pregates.


    Mapped the lake yesterday for just that reason. Currently have 88m at the fartherest end of our turn at the top end and 143m at the shallow end.


    This week-ends project; Move it about 27 metres south!


  9. Bump!


    Didn't get to this job over winter.


    @Sethski, couldn't seem to find them on your site, just looked again now & searched on inserts but didn't get a result.


    @MattP, not sure I'd want to be attaching the bonds to the top deck. Think it would be a lot stronger to get inserts to take the load into the Honeycomb core. Less chance of delaminating the deck.


    Any idea how I can get some before Christmas.





  10. @horton, DFT is the one we're least confident with due to the radius at the back of the ski causing difficulties in obtaining consistent measurements. Presuming calipers must be flat, but still find it a bit hard.


    Knocked up a piece of flat aluminium with a hole in it to measure depth. It's exactly 2.000" so just add that to the depth.


    Length is with the tips flat against the centre of the ski?


    A good video would be great for a lot of people!


    Make one by all means!

    Would be another good asset to have on this site.



  11. @Horton,

    Bit of the story behind my current interest. picked up my S2 last Saturday, (About 700km round trip).

    Asked the nice girl at the shop about the fin setting & she looked back blankly.

    I proceeded to watch her assemble a Supa-Lite X.....


    Fin block on with cordless drill, stop when the phillips bit bounces out of the screw.

    Fin gets slipped into the slot & allen screws given a quick nip up.

    A couple of quick twists of the srew driver & the wings in place.


    1/2 dozen quick zaps with the drill & the front binders on in the middle position, 5 more zaps

    on the back fitting & jobs done!


    Hmmm, I'm thinking the S2's received the same treatment.

    Some people here may be shocked at how some ski's are assembled

    by the staff in some shops. Even impact drivers are good!


    Back home before dark & end up in here & find this as best reference:-


    Nothing currently on HO's site for the 2013 skis.


    Grab the calipers to check the length & get readings like 53", 75" & 87".

    So much for those calipers; New battery, no difference.


    So Sunday Ski on it how it is; bar changing the wing from 10° down to 8°.


    Have now reset it according to the above figures that I assue are still correct.


    So all this fiddling with fins get's Junior questioning how his NOS is set up & it

    certainly is nothing like the 65.5 settings in the above table for the S2, regardless of whether they'd apply.


    So getting it to a know setting would be worth while one would presume.


    Had been stuck on my CDX-1 for over 10 year, with water time tapering back a long way in 2005,

    due to drough, divorce, property settlement & trying to run a business.


    Was running deep into 28 off back then, but lack of water time has since reduced that score.

    In that time I think I moved the wing only once.


    Totally agree that there's more to be gained from in focusing on technique, in that ability range.

    Something I learned a lot of in the 80's when I skied with & drove for Bruce Cockburn, who was my landlord at the time.


    So while I've got a lot of interest in the fin settings topic, it's primarily about getting it right as a starting point, acording to those who know better than I do & then skiing on it as is & focusing on my own abilities.


    So back to the NOS (65"), like Monza? Nitro? Anything would be great when we have zilch!






    (How long winded was that!)




  12. @Wayne it's a 65" & he's 50kg (110lb) and about to turn 16.

    His mother bought him this a few years back when he was under 30kg

    & still on a Revolt. Kept him on that for the past 2 seasons.


    So far this summer he's been to a 5 day camp & had 3 Sundays out.

    Has ran plenty of strong 34's & a hand full of 36's.


    Just want to know the skis in a good starting position.






  13. My Son has a HO NOS, 2009 or maybe 2010. A Black thing.


    He's just started running 36 on it & wants to know what the fin settings

    should be. It's got a silver Syndicate fin in a block similar to recent S2's.


    Anyone know what stock fin & wing settings should be? @horton maybe?


    Any other information would also be of interest to him.





  14. @colo_skier,


    Nothing like that.

    Watched closer this morning, & saw average jump to 6.7km/h in

    the first 50m.


    After that I watched the moving speed a fair bit.

    Set a steady pace that flicked between 5.7 & 5.8km/h & noticed

    every few minutes that it would jump to numbers like 6.1 to 6.6km/h.


    Unit has 1 second updates by the way, & when seeing these deviations, which typically lasted 2 or 3 seconds, I could not identify any significant environmental changes or significant structures that could expain the variations.


    Might dig this out again & have a bit of a play, haven't used it in nearly 10 years, but did find it a bit interesting at the time.









  15. @rico.

    No weather anomalies, so think I could rule that out,

    wouldn't blame reflections or multi-pathing errors either as

    I've walked this route 100's of time over recent years.

    so could only be somthing atmospheric, solar or maybe a bit

    of rogue data from a sat.



  16. Just Back from my 3km morning walk.

    Always carry my Garmin Etrek with me to monitor pace & occupy my mind.

    The first km is usually averaged out at 5.6km/h & by the end of the 3km the

    average is usually 6.0km/h.


    Added an extra block at the end this morning, so total distance I was expecting was

    about 3.2 to 3.3km, I was pretty much on target for this figure as I approached my back gate

    but when I looked again moments later my total distance had jumped to over 3.8km & average

    was now 7.0km/h.


    I've done this for years & know about GPS errors, but it instantly got me wondering if this at

    all related to some of the Perfect Pass issues we see.


    Have now only had 3 weekends on the water this season & PP performed spot on during the first

    two outings.


    On the third, we experienced 2 instances of the PP losing it during a run.

    Giving I've just seen this 500m error It's got me thinking that a similar GPS

    error whilst PP is in control could be responsible for some of the random problems

    people see.






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