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Posts posted by Steven_Haines

  1. Im thinking that's what im looking for??? With my other ski it seemed like id lose ground by drifting down course at the finish of the turn. I think that was a product of never getting free of the boat/lack o speed. I'm really excited to try this ski because of its stepped bottom. From what ive heard and read (all on BOS, my bible) the step bottom skis require less effort to build cross course speed. I've really been trying to be lighter on the line so that I can co exist with ZO. Hopefully this ski is the answer (for a while). If I understand your posts correctly, it sounds like we're both trying to incorporate alpine movements to increase efficiency. Just sounds like you do it alot better than me!
  2. Jipster, you'll have to ask Doug about the truck incident. I might still have pics. I helped out on another project where some of the material was deposited down one side of the lake to build up to be used as a road. During excavation the road got packed in real nice with the scraper traffic. All he needed next was base to top the road off. Another thought, you'll need a long ramp or rip rap at the end of the ramp to reduce erosion under your ramp from prop wash. I would think a longer ramp would be the way to go.
  3. AB is right about the island maintenance. Next time you're in Helena ask Doug if you can go out and mow and weed eat the island. That should give you a good taste of years to come unless you could leave them wild with trees and shrubs. Theres also rip rap that circles the island. If you don't use large rock you're out there adding or moving the rock back up the shore line. If you do decide on islands, make sure there offset. I personally like islands, you just need to go the extra mile when it comes to the rock. You don't want your truck going thru the ice while transfering rock on a cold winters day.
  4. That's a good idea Ed, I have a Horton special 106 that's been drilled for the ventrals. Knowing me I would have probably gone drill crazy on the stock fin. I used that carbon fin on my MPD and loved it but didn't feel the same about it on my Strada. I don't know how thick the carbon fin is compared to the red one but I'm guessing that its thicker. Itll be fun comparing the two!
  5. Id have to agree with Mazda. The vest is WAY overpriced but it works extremely well for eliminating upper body strain. I bought mine after I hurt my lower back and couldn't be happier. I too have a funky work schedule where I'm gone for sometimes very long spells. I find that if I stay in reasonable physical condition I can go home and pretend that I'm still in my 20's. A buddy of mine just bought 2011 model off SIA for $300.00. Imo, that's closer to where a new one should be priced, but to be perfectly honest with you I probably would have paid more than $600.00 to be able to continue to ski. I don't know anything about the FM product but by looking at it I don't see where it would help that much. Another guy that posts here has made a copy of my PV without the vest part attached so you can use it with any vest. Personally I think that's genius! Once my PV wears out ill be cutting it apart and doing the same thing. Maybe Dan will chime in here. Good luck!!!
  6. Thanks Ed, I've got a couple of the smaller ventrals and a home made large v id like to try after I get some rides on it. A while back you mentioned running the larger ventral in the down position. Are you still using it that way? And also, is your large ventral near the bottom of the ski or is it in the wing position? It's interesting to hear the variations of how the ventral is being used. With my other ski I liked it with 3 ventrals all running parallel to the bottom yet it felt very sluggish with a single and a wing set at 5-7°. I guess that's part of what intrigues me about this sport.
  7. Horton, I'm not sure of temps right now. My wife has said that the air temp has been in the low 80's alot. I've been working out of town lately but will be back the 25th thru the 3rd if that works out for you. I won't have anything to do other than avoid honey do s as much as I can. Just let me know and we'll ski our a$$e$ off!!!
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