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Posts posted by Steven_Haines

  1. Bud,

    You're skiing awesome! I just think that if you focused on your gate a little more you would have more time in the pass to work on what you're working on. I've never run 38 but have seen it and 39 run alot! The thing that I see that is consistent with skiers that run those passes is that they start higher on the boat which seems to put them into a nice rhythm for the pass right from the start. I hope this helps!

  2. Bud,

    Have you ever messed with a true one handed gate? I'm not saying its for every one, but it might be a good exercise for you to help you learn how late you can pull out and still make the gates as well as how far up on the boat you can get while still getting a nice gate. I'm amazed that you can run that pass starting that narrow! Nice skiing!

  3. From listening to the interview with Chet, it sounds like 2 minis mounted in the upper position (one up one down) could be a good combination. Did anyone else get that impression? Another thing I'm confused about is, should I set my fin to stock settings and then apply the VW's or do I adjust them along the way as I do my normal tuning through out the year? As the water warms I move the fin down and back. Could this completely eliminate futzing with the fin all together? Looking at Chets fin on the Goode web site, it looks to me that he runs the fin a little

    deeper in the front and then he set up his ventrals off of his preferred setting. Does it look that way to anyone else?

  4. Bud,


    Also, the impression I get from reading all the above info, the larger wing seems to add drag and may be more suited to someone skiing much shorter lines than I'm capable of. I normally run my wing around 7°, so I'm kinda used to and looking for less drag. I might be wrong, but it'll sure be fun messing with it!

  5. Bud,

    I guess my reasoning behind it is that Greg B seems to be running 2 small wings and enjoying the experience and also OB and Scoke with the single vw and traditional wing. I guess I feel I can try it both ways and then maybe add the larger one later. Also, the extra $70.00 seems a little much. I know it's new technology and I appreciate that. But when you look at mfg costs, these little jewels are pretty spendy! I guess you could call me cheap?! I know that I'm itching to try them!


  6. I agree Ed! Just counter "enough" to free up your hips to transition into your cross course movement. I feel the more I use my hips (no shoulders) the better off I am! Another thing I try to do is get my "counter on" and do nothing more! Just try to stay as calm and quiet as I can with my upper body (no reaching for the handle) then stay open to the boat thru the wakes, then counter with the appropriate hip and repeat!
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