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Posts posted by ForrestGump

  1. There is at least one wakeboard boat dealer there. Think Tige. They'd probably know watersports better than anyone. I know when I lived in Midland there was some skiing that happened on Lake Alan Henry,which is an hour and a half from Abilene. And I've heard on Lake Fort Phantom Hill which is about 15 minutes north of Abilene. The problem out there is that no lakes are constant level.


    Isn't Insta-Slalom out of Abilene?


  2. @lpskier You're trying to rationalize this with process mumbo jumbo. We should let teachers convicted of sexual offenses teach school again, right? We do need teachers, after all. That's what you're saying here. You were defending Nate 2 years ago in an off handed way. Now you're doing it again by saying "But we need representation.". That's complete bullsh$t.


    I wonder how long it takes that columnist to get an email or call about this.

  3. No, you're misinterpreting how BMX is run a bit. Easy to do because it's complicated. I'm a track operator so I'm intimately familiar with how we do it. As complicated as the structure is, it's probably not germane to this discussion. I think road cycling and mountain bike racing's structure is better suited for waterskiiing.


    So BMX. First. Cruiser is NOT novice. But that is a second topic. Let's take it off the table for now and talk about the 20" class. The 20" class is divided up into amateur ages and proficiences. Proficienies are Novice, Intermediate, and Expert. The idea is for Novices to race novices if they are available. Or if not enough are available in their age and proficiency they will move up and race Intermediates. Intermediates can move up or down and race either way. But the higher proficiency locks in the point structure. So if a novice races against an Intermediate, they got Int points. And similarly, if a Intermediate races an expert, they get Expert points. We have age classes that start at 5 and under, and are single age brackets up til 16. Then ages start being grouped together. There is a pretty sophisticated software app that will automatically assign race groupings based on who enters. Let's leave it at that.


    And BMX does do 30 or so National Events, which are triple point events. Then Grand Nationals, which is akin to the waterski national championships, and is a 4x point event. A national champion in each age grouping(don't even think proficiency here) based on the amalgamation of 6 national even scores + the grand national score). Actually we award NAG 1-20 numbers (National Age Group #s) for each age grouping at Grands.


    With Mountain biking they only do 4 categories, which could be equated to Novice, Intermediate, Expert, and Pro. Reminiscent of how we used to break out proficiencies until 15 years ago, as Jeff mentioned. EP(which I equate to an expert proficiency in BMX, Cat 3 in MTB, or Cat 3 in Road Cycling) meant something to people back then.


    And I've received enough Pandas over the years that I am Panda-immune.




  4. @unksskis Amateur road cycling, BMX racing, and Mountain Bike racing in the US are all ability based for day in and day out racing. In road racing, it's organized into categories. Category 5 is a novice. On up to Category 1 which is considered a pro. Organizers can run races split by Category. They can also combine categories. Common things they do is have a Cat 5 race. A cat 4/5 race. And a cat 1/2/3 race. And they can choose to run a race split by ages. But regardless, standings are accrued based on the riders Category they are currently in. And upgrade points to be used to go to the next Category are awarded based on # of participants in the race and the riders finishing place.
  5. Any improvement from switching grip is anecdotal at best. Did the skier suddenly "get it"? Did they have other changes in technique during that time? Did their hardware improve? People settled on a direction in the early ages of skiing based on what felt right for them. Most felt correct one way. Others felt correct another way. Grip direction is mice nuts in comparison to other foundational things necessary to run short line.
  6. To be honest, I feel like a dick this week. After the dustup with Brenda and Kyle last year and me calling them out and in turn, Marc, he reached out in a message or two here and even on LinkedIn. I just ignored him. Not because I didn't like him. I just disagreed with him. In hindsight, that was short sighted of me as he was just collateral damage in what they were doing. I always enjoyed being around him. This blows.
  7. Honestly, if you were waiting til January to buy a boat, you're not getting a 2021 model. Both dealers I know are sold out of production slots through June. Which means by January, they'll be sold out for the year. So the boat show really does nothing for you.
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