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Posts posted by Killer

  1. their facebook page still shows the "boat lake" with a slalom course on it? get some members and keep the dream alive! privately owned land is always for sale!


    the lake I ski on has a cable setup in a corner (thankfully the lake shape permits dual use) and if anything its drawn more attention to the skiing and its let the owner lease off a part of the property so he doesn't have to find as many skiers.


    Vancouver ski club just recently went through something similar on a city owned ski lake (the pro tour site in Abbotsford, BC), and in the end I believe they were able to work out a shared arragement.



  2. years ago when stargazer came out I was able to purchase a used 6.5ng master module for a song off SIA, and a multi line display (off EZ Ed if I recall, thanks Ed!). I bought the rest of the parts directly through PP. I never used the smart timers, just the hand timer. Looking at doing the same thing again for my buddies nautique, so its a fight!
  3. I was in a pair of Radar Rail boots for 1 season (when they came out; preadasessor to the Vector). I thought "I'm on a 15off skier, why do I need the more expensive RS1s?" WRONG. I got lucky as I only had 3 or 4 mild sprains from the rails... The biggest problem with the rails, vectors, or any other boot like that is their wide size range. They will fit 1 foot perfectly and a anyone else is either too snug or too loose. I'm an 8.5-9 and the standard rails are 7-11. I would come 1/2 out of them in any kind of fall. brutal.


    went to RS1s the next year and have never so much as tweaked my ankles in them. they fit perfect with superfeet in them, and I've blown out of both boots (liners still on) in a horendous OTF crash this season & was able to finish my set with no injuries. I'm completely sold on the RS1/Strada boots and any boot like that which employs a removable liner. no removable liner and no way I'm putting my foot in them. Hardshell releasable system is the only other system I'd look at from now on.

  4. There's always a reason to upgrade.


    I said the A1 and a2 are very similar. My rational Isnt microscopic or precise, but it is practical, something some of you are obviously lacking.


    As an intermediate skier i was instantly able to Ski exactly like i was used to on tHe a1: & comfortable at that.


    Ive skied on a number of different skis recently and most feel drastically different either in the first few sets or even later down the test Cycle. A2 for me coming off A1 was instant comfort.

  5. The A2 skis very similar to the A1 & looks almost identical. Ive loved both skis and they keep getting better!


    A2 is an improvement, not as punishing and you dont have to completely stomp on the front foot in the preturn Like the 1. Im a year behind so in 2014 will ride the A3 :)

  6. I have been using the decible all year. its fantastic. better floatation than most non-uscg vest, warm and the double sided feature is great for that cold 2nd set. My only problem is I've lost some weight this year and when I crash it rides up on me. I'm in a large 180lbs 5'10 not sure a medium would fit at all, probalby have to loose another 5 lbs Lol
  7. I'm with @Deke I've had some similar issues & also sit at a computer most of the day. the scalenes are a tough muscle to work on and combined with the traps we overuse as skiers, you need to find a good therapy that helps calm them down and work the muscles more around those.


    a good Atheltic/Massage therapist has helped me a ton, working on my radial nerve esspecially and my cervical spine area, as well as some ART from a chiropractor and practical stretches. I've also had the RMT provider her electro-accupuncter which is pretty cool (and a bit scary) highly recommend trying it.

  8. @skijay I reduced the DFT to get the tip down in combination with some added depth (maybe 5 thou) I'm not into the micro adjustment fin tinkering, I just moved it before my set and it worked well. Really felt like I slowed everything down, to the point that I had to ask the driver if I was going 36??


    Yes I do think I lost some width, but at 22 and 28 off where I am at its not a huge issue, might take a bit of depth away for my next set and see how that works. Actually the DFT is now right about stock ( I had it reduced), while depth is deeper by maybe 10 thou from stock.


    I have never used a wing on this ski. I was on an A1 previous and had the wing on last season, then took it off with great results this year. However, up until about a month ago I skied at 34.2mph, now training at 36, but I'm down a rope length (6 buoys on average) from my 34speed. When I start nailing my 28off pass regularaly at 36 and into -32 more I will try the wing on the A2. Most of the skiers at our site don't use a wing, but most ski max 34.2.

  9. @Horton, had to look up this Sam Kinison reference :) I agree, different skis, but the shape is the same and even you have said the shape is what the pros play with the most.


    If it was lighter it would have to be made up of some more carbon or other advanced materials so the makeup would change and we're back at square1 (no pun intended). For me the difference between the 67 vice (the exact ski you tested which I picked up from a baller) and a new 67 strada was mind blowing and I'm not a heavy skier or running it through deep shortline passes. Every ski that comes out of the factory has a slightly different flex so that variable may be lower on the list IMO.



  10. it may be that the heavier skis are also the skis with less advanced, potentially "soft" materials and flex mor, but I believe the more novice a skier you are you will benefit more from a lighter ski than some of the stronger, more advanced skiers. Skier strength may play a role in that too but IMO advanced shortline skiers have to be strong.


    I know after skiing on the Vice vs the Strada the vice skied like a log for me at 34.2mph 22-32off. the strada was noticably more agile, quicker and I could feel the weight difference in trying to move the ski outbound and maintain leverage off the 2nd wake. the Vice "bounced" around more, and was not as smooth through the wakes or the edge change. Materials could have had an effect as well of course. I don't think its any coincidence that the highest end skis are also the lightest in their respective lineups. my 2cents

  11. you aren't a big heavy guy and you are skiing at 32mph+ which IMO is the biggest reason to get a wider body ski like the Senate ©.


    there is also now the Vice C - lighter than the current vice (which is rather heavy) and same shape as the strada.


    I would just buy the strada if I was you. I've been down this road and I feel it is even more important for us mortal skiers to use the lightest, quickest skis VS the super high end skiers who can ski on a 2x4.


    The strada itself is a very stable ski. I much prefered it over the Vice I had. I make too many mistakes I need a ski that will help me out not hinder & the vice was not quick enough to react for my horrible form and reaction times. my 2cents

  12. @justcuz You can use either as well as the wix 51060 and many other filters. All gm 5.7l blocks of this era should take the same filters. The 51060 is just a larger (longer) version of the 51069 which is cross referenced to the pz3 and napa 1069 (which is a direct copy of the 51069). The napa 1060 is the wix 51060


    The use of the 51060 will come down to fit. it is a "long" one which would not be standard and thus you'll know right away looking at it. Not necessary on the small block IMO. The shorter 51069 or napa 1069 will be the ones I'd use and the same size specs by the OEM



  13. even if you were 6' nothing at 190 you are at the end of the spectrum for most 67s. the HO syndicate S1 in a 67.5" are worth a try & that is as large as they make that ski. So, depending on the ski, I would highly suggest going bigger, esspecially with your height. is it the prime factor, no, should it be used to determine ski length? absolutely.
  14. Lived in MTL for 4 years, so I'm glad to hear they treated you well! I can't say my experience as an anglo Canadian has always been the same.


    Canada is also great when its cold though: ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, dog sledding, etc.


    besides that's why they invented Florida right? :)

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