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Posts posted by tjm

  1. If you are listening to your body it will tell you when it is more than an everyday ache or pain. Nobody said it was easy. In my case I knew I should take a few days off because the pain was different. I, to my own loss, choose not to heed the warning.
  2. @sixballs. Agreed. In my case the early pain was caused by micro tears that may have scarred up and mended had I let it rest. However, since I did not they only got worse until nothing was left. When it finally failed, there was an audible POP that I heard over the motor as well as felt.

    @cragginshred. Agreed, I am case in point, and I knew better!

  3. I've said it a million time to others, but when it came to me I did not listen. No worries, all is well now, but I thought I'd share this as it may help others. Starting about the middle of August my forearms were starting to get real sore. I was skiing very well for where I am at, so I ignored it as I wanted the goal I set for myself, which seemed very reachable. I'd rub my arms down and ski. It was good for a couple of weeks, but then starting around the beginning of Sept., I noticed my performance started to go down hill, missing passes I make blindfolded and hungover. Again I ignored the pain in my forearms, and I was not willing to blame the slide in performance on the arms. Sure enough, on a Saturday morning in early September, I blew out my right bicep, with a complete tear and separation where it attaches to the elbow. No worries, all is well now, as I immediately sought medical attention, and was in surgery within 10 days having it reattached, on my 60th birthday to boot. Still doing PT, and rebuilding, but I will be ready for next season. I am not posting this for sympathy, but as a heads up to all that your body warns you, and you should listen to it. My sore forearms were warning me that something could happen. Had I listened to them, and rested for a few weeks, I believe I would have avoided the whole thing to come. That's it guys and gals, take it from a guy who's been around the block a few times, listen to your bodies.
  4. I'm on a 65" Strada 55, which is a prototype Senate C. I'm about your size. The difference between the prototype and the production is the core. The prototype has the same pvc core as the Strada. It is a great ski. I have an extra one that I have never used listed on ski-iti-again. Negotiable.
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