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Everything posted by jimbrake

  1. Tried that. Problem is the format of the pic. Let's see if this works.http://ballofspray.static.vanillaforums.com/uploads/FileUpload/4b/dc4d7f8389ece51f0ea7967362ada8.pdf
  2. we will be going out after 2 PM on Sat. Going to Diablo on Sunday (kids insisted). What is this "work on the house" thing that you speak of?
  3. Cool - thanks. Saturday or are you going to Diablo? PO or Lake 1?
  4. Our lake has a ton of carp in it anyway. They must not be the algae-eatin' kind. We have a large goose and duck population, too. I don't know what they do other than s__t.
  5. This is what I consider optimum (for onside at least). If you drew a line through his shoulders, another one through his hips and another one through his knees they'd all be pretty much parallel. My apologies if the picture doesn't show up.
  6. Hey Kevin. Let me know how the S2 goes. Tried the A2 on Monday and wasn't excited about it, but the way the lake is skiing right now, it's not the best time to be testing skis. Would like to try your S2 if that's OK. OB - haven't you heard the old saying "better skiing through chemistry"? Aren't the fish (grass carp?) more for weed control? We think this is just a build-up of algae in the water. No weed issues.
  7. So, Than. You try to keep your belly button pointed where you want your ski to go, but your shoulders towards the boat? That's a s-load of rotational stress in a pretty short distance along your spine. You sure about that? I think your hips have a much greater affect on your ski than your shoulders. I wonder if your hips are facing the boat more than you think. That said, you are having a great season and agree with most everything you said. Thanks for the notes. Jim
  8. Tom, It definitely has not resolved back to normal yet. I think it's a touch better, but not all the way back. I just took a lunch set and basically to me it feels like I am skiing on ice. Both Mike K. and I agreed that if you ski very connected to the rope and can maintain really good position on your ski back to the handle, that you can ski Ok, but there is very little room for error. On Monday I seriously could not even run 32. Today I ran a decent 32 and had a good start at 35, but the ski did the grab thing at 2 and that was it. Just in case anyone out there thinks this is just in our heads, this is happening to everyone to a man (or woman), no exceptions. Something very funky going on. They are putting another bag of copper sulfate in tomorrow morning, so we'll see if it improves further. I was skiing without my wing today. Next set on Friday I will ski with my wing and some extra wing angle to see if I can keep more ski in the water. Feel like sanding my bevels to make the ski ride deeper.
  9. 2003 in practice only. Was surprised how easy it felt. Haven't run it since '04 or '05. Creeping back up on it now as I learn ZO and as I learn me better and why my skiing suffers or improves and what is really important to focus on (funny thing, it's what I was focusing on in '03 - maintaining a tight line. I have no idea how I got away from it for so long.) If I could trade my improvement for getting my boys to where they want to go, I would. Hopefully we all get better together, though.
  10. 1976. Santa Clara County Water Ski Club pond behind Art Rodrigues and his '76 Ski Nautique. 28 mph, long line. I had just turned 18. 66" EP Comp II (yellow with orange bottom). EP rubber binding with rear toe. I didn't measure the fin, but I bet it was 2.5, 6.90, and 0.75. No wing. I thought the wakes were fine.
  11. Tacos are always good. And beer. I don't have your contact info, though. My email is brake at geoconinc dot com.
  12. Thanks. May not even be able to get to Arvin before dark on Tues or at all. I'll just have to see how work progresses.
  13. John - working out in the desert next Tues and maybe into Wednesday. Will be driving back through the Arvin-Bako area one of those afternoons. Any possibility of getting a set with you or others? Unfortunately, my travel times are not certain yet until I see how work progresses on Tuesday. thanks, Jim
  14. that so reminds me of Storm Selsor when he was little. Kid was tiny but skied slalomed so hard.
  15. Was just discussing that exact point with someone the other night. We can't afford to do both "the right way". Should pick one like most people and go whole hog, but love both too much. Oh, and one boy is also playing club and school volleyball and the other is a budding pole vaulter. Fun, fun, fun. Wouldn't trade this time with the kids, though, for anything.
  16. F, no. Means being addicted to spending $1500 or more every year on a ski. Please allow me to whine for a moment - I'd like to be in the "club", but I have to keep me and two growing boys on appropriate water ski (multiple events) and snow ski (multiple conditions/events) every year. I am so screwed. Maybe I should be in the "one season old, used Goode club".
  17. Knee bend, like most things in water skiing (or snow skiing) is a dynamic thing. You don't bend your knees just to bend them. The goal for any level skier is not to be have bent knees all the time. Greatest knee bend probably occurs through the edge change (unless you are Rachelle Matli) and the least knee bend probably occurs for most at the apex of the turn on short lines. In between there is change from one to the other. JTH - would you agree that offside pull behind the boat that your knees are probably more bent than in the same spot on your onside pull?
  18. "Bend ze knees. Five dollars please." Here are a few others I use: "Bend your knees, but not your waist." "Put your knee cap over your toes." "Bend your g__ d___ knees."
  19. Hey Kevin. Yes, definitely would like to give the S2 a try, too. Anyone know if Greg Badal is on the A2 or S2?
  20. I still want to try it!! my A1 feels like it's dying. Spent this week skiing behind our club's 200 w ZO after being mostly behind our '05 196 w PPC since Regionals. Was just getting comfortable again w ZO and then last night had to ski behind the '05. Jayzus I hate going back and forth! Prefer ZO!
  21. JTH - Just in case you ever decide to go back to it - do not take up SUP'ing and get in the lineup. SUP on a lake, SUP on a river, SUP on the open ocean, but don't SUP at a break unless you are a competent surfer. Just sayin'. Kona - I've made four boards. Two fish, one quad, and one bonzer. 5'10" to 6'4". Wish I could make slalom skis.
  22. Nice clip. You want to move to Indonesia? I don't blame you. JTH - do you surf? As soon as my tournament season is over I'm going on a surf/fish trip to Baja. Can't wait. Also, going to Gordon's new place in Puerto Escondido next Spring. PE is one of the premier beach breaks in mainland Mex. Not the prime time of year for waves there, but then during the best time of year the waves would scare the living ____ out of me. Would love to go on a boat or land trip to Indo as well.
  23. Dirt - what did Fritz say about the feel of that pull?
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