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Everything posted by Ali

  1. Not only can I not believe you have posted photos of your polished fin block, I cant believe I looked at them. I agree it is going to be a long winter. cheers Ali
  2. "It is quite possible the tournament is not eligible for a National Record, or if there was video of the boat path." It is and there is, they are waiting for validation of the boat path. cheers Ali
  3. "The link says 55km/hr? What record was broken - O35 mens?" Yup mens senior 5@10.25@55kmh, I believe the current record is 4. cheers AliÂÂ
  4. More wing, more ski in the water no? cheers Ali
  5. PIcture all those ball of sprayers at home in front of the mirror practicing the "penis left", or maybe best not to picture it. If I am coaching one of the woman at our club, what do I say to them! cheers Ali PS I am Scotish :-)
  6. Ranking list tournament, so all those things are done. I have personally seen 2 French skiers get to 2 at 10.25m in tournies this year, and I have heard of people running it in practice. Will see what they say about the video.  cheers Ali
  7. Nobody talking about this new pending world record? Was talking to the boat driver yesterday. Seems he was close to making the full pass.  cheers Ali
  8. Over on the weekend off 16-18th Oct, flying into Prestwick and then up and across to Lochgilphead. If you were at Loch lomond I would think about it, Dunfermline is a bit of a trek from there. Was going past Loch lomond a while ago (last year) and there was someone free sking next to the shore about half way up A82 side. Was jealous as hell as it was pure glass. So next season will try and make it. If you are ever couple of hours east of Paris I can give you a pull. cheers Ali
  9. Cam where do you ski in scotland, being Scotish it is a bit embarrasing to tell people I am a keen waterskier but have never skied in Scotland. Need to sort that out sometime.  back to topic, we are pulling up our course in 2 weeks, lake is emptied as well. nearest club to Paris with skiing finishes mid-october.  Ali
  10. Looking for settings for the Jobe Encore 67', fin and bindings if possible. Guy in our club has picked one up cheap and is trying it out. cheers Ali
  11. Yes and yea was good advice, missed my first pass at 16m but found a similar feeling that I had on my monza, in both turns. So it is staying on for the moment and the credit card will be taking a hit as well. Cheers Ali
  12. Is the 106 what you would have sent me for my monza? Think it is worth a try after only 4 sets? Cheers Ali
  13. Trying a 66.25 A1 on stock settings but thinking of trying my carbon fin from my monza. Anyone tried a carbon fin on the A1? How did it go? Cheers Ali
  14. Hey Horton if you bring me one of those skis you have lying around, honeymoon in Paris, we have a spare room :-) I would say 6 - 10 sets, saying that it took me a full season to get used to my Monza but I did the stupid thing of trying to change to hardshells at the same time. cheers Ali
  15. Wanted to get hold of few barefoot photos for our club website. Two skiers slalomed before the barefooter, so by the time it got to barefoot it was too dark I got a couple of great shot beforehand though  cheers Ali http://lh6.ggpht.com/_vTLysii8_HQ/Sozy01963bI/AAAAAAAAJ5w/PyH5zBVbByE/s800/IMG_5523.jpg http://lh4.ggpht.com/_vTLysii8_HQ/SozytWdSaqI/AAAAAAAAJ5Q/vC-LQXFXrBA/s800/IMG_5514.jpg
  16. MS does that mean you have given up on the A1? cheers Ali
  17. Once he had done a couple of passes at 14m like that he put on his boardshorts and lifevest before shortening. I would be happy to have a warm up pass of 14m. And Horton if you are going to ski in a thong make sure you dont put it on back to front :-0 Cheers Ali
  18. Hey Horton just for interest here is another one from the same shoot http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/7rzk9TIh8OLkhaIRV64DBw?feat=directlink
  19. I voted for it, I took the photo as well, so I guess I am biased cheers Ali
  20. Ali

    HO S1

    67' Monza 2005 3@13m 55kmh I have some sort of weird carbon fin thing that I bought over the internet cheers Ali
  21. Ali

    HO S1

    Like the review style and, or because, I understand it! Only problem I have is wondering how this ski fits to my skiing style. Cheers Ali
  22. Ali

    HO S1

    Having watched the video, do you agree that there is 2 types of ski as he describes, which category do you think the current high end skis fit, eg monza, mpd rs1 prophecy rcx etc. cheers Ali
  23. Scoke I think you would agree that too much of the canadian flag can be a bad thing in some cases cheers Ali
  24. Ali

    HO S1

    And.............I was going to go for an A1 but now waiting for the S1 news cheers Ali
  25. Hi Marco He is our ski coach/driver at our ski club, great skier and a really nice guy. That was a special set up for the photo, I was on the jump ramp taking the photos and he set off like that for the first couple of passes at 14m/58k. When he cut to 13/12/11.25m he changed into his board shorts and vest I got some good shots from that as well. I prefer the swimsuit shot because it really shows the ski position. It keeps the chicks (and my wife) interested in the skiing:-) cheers AliÂÂ
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