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Everything posted by skispray

  1. Was the ski responsible for your leg break?
  2. @Cnewbert actually I just fact checked myself and realized I was wrong, there is no contradiction. Here is the relevant portion of Smith's statement on the matter: According to WaPo, "Smith acknowledged he had sex with a 17-year-old athlete when he was 23. Florida law prohibits a person 24 or older from having sex with a person 16 or 17, so the investigator ruled Smith did nothing illegal in that instance."
  3. @Cnewbert according to the Washington Post he has also admitted to at least two of the allegations he was accused of: domestic violence against his adult girlfriend and to having sex with a 17 year old when he was 23. Confusingly, in the statement he released he denied all accusations except the domestic violence charge, so even what's coming from Smith himself seems to be contradictory. Not a good look when you're accused of the kind of things he's accused of.
  4. Agree 100% with @Jody_Seal and others, it’s essential that we have the ability to discuss such important matters. If you don’t like it, don’t read the threads about it. We may prefer to discuss fin settings and technique here but when it comes down to it being able to learn about and speak freely about a potential sexual predator within our sport is likely to be much more valuable for the sport in the long-run. As they say, sun is the best disinfectant. And Horton has done a good job of setting the tone so that these discussion are on topic and not over the line.
  5. This doesn’t really square with the pictures of texts and Facebook posts from Nate to minor girls that keep getting posted here and then taken down. I also thought the SafeSport report concluded that all the claims were likely to be true “by a preponderance of the evidence”... The idea that all the claims involving minors are 100% false seems like an outright lie. I will say that this whole situation also apparently seems to be muddled in with a ton of personal drama, which may be motivating some people involved. However, there seems to be enough out there to separate the hypocrisy and questionable behavior of a few people trying to tear Nate down from the very serious misbehavior that Nate has been accused of. The SafeSport report mentions several claimants who are underaged girls claiming misbehavior from Nate. I saw no where in the investigation where Nate was exonerated of such claims. So it’s great to be hearing from all sides now, but this statement does not seem to square at all with the results of the official investigation that is referenced. And no, I haven’t seen any more of the report than any other member of the general skiing public so I could be wrong. If so, please someone point out how. But I don’t see how this statement consistently fits with the official portions of this sordid drama, and if it doesn’t that is a pretty serious red flag.
  6. @AdamCord @adamhcaldwell I’ve read the C-75 was designed for 34 mph. Do you intend to design a ski optimized for 36 mph? Or have you concluded that the C-75 works as well at that speed as 34? I know there’s been some good skiing on it at 36.
  7. I’d say stretching or yoga a couple times this week. Just make sure you’re body is primed and ready for the weekend.
  8. Do you plan to cover 3 event skiing or only slalom?
  9. I don't know anything about Chad personally, and I know he was an asset to the ski world, but he was convicted of 7 federal crimes, was he not? Sure, I hear you, he's a good guy and I guess it's possible that he was the victim of a conspiracy. But was it possible that he was in fact breaking the law and thereby deserving of conviction? Seems like it's possible... So I find it weird that there are so many people here claiming that he either did nothing wrong or that what he did was wrong but you don't care because it was with noble intentions. Do you all really have enough information to make these kinds of judgments? Or are you biased in this case and not evaluating this situation objectively? From where I sit, it seems like the latter is at play quite a bit, and I find it a bit concerning.
  10. Yeah, I would think there’d be no reason to leave a boat like a TXi running when the driver stands up. I think Eric was referring to older boats that may have trouble restarting. Seems like the appropriate amount of precaution needs to be applied depending on the situation. This is a great story to share to make people aware of a risk they may not have considered before. Although it isn’t nearly as good of advice as shutting off the engine, you also mention this was caused by the driver coiling up the rope while talking to you in the water. If not for coiling up the rope (and mistakenly getting it around the throttle) this also wouldn’t have happened. Another potential lesson is to be aware of what you’re doing with the rope and never do things with it that are unnecessary. Not that I don’t agree with ‘shut off the engine when you stand up’ being the best lesson to take away from this, but also be careful with the rope!
  11. @gavski are you trolling? Read these quotes: "During the set I had two really sweet passes that were way better than the others. When I was done he asked what two passes felt the best, I replied passes 3 & 4 he then revealed that he tried A1 C1 and then B1, C1 was a clear winner for me." "We ski together... You need to be on A2." You seem arrogant, and wrong.
  12. I know that Nate Smith is still sponsored by Nautique and D3. Does he have other sponsors? Are there any companies that have dropped support of him after he received a suspension for his conduct violation?
  13. @Than_Bogan controversy may pique your interest but @Stevie Boy wasn’t saying less events due to less viewer interest, he was saying less events because organizers have less incentive to put on the tournaments if every time they do their integrity is ripped to shreds on the internet. BOS is great but it’s doubtful that new-found interest in Euro tournament stops from ballers would be enough to override that. I’d go back to the point @Luzz was making: the pros want to make money with their skiing, and they do so by beating their competitors, so shouldn’t the ranking list be based on competitive placement? Aside from eliminating @Horton’s primary concern it also gives skiers the incentive to go to the same tournaments as one another instead of seeking out the sites where they will get the best scores. That should mean better events. The legitimacy of the scores from a record-capability standpoint should still matter, but it should be separate from how the pro skiers are ranked.
  14. @Horton I get your point. But you’re crusading on the idea that every site should be as nearly identical as possible so that, for the purpose of the world rankings list, all tournament scores are essentially ‘apples to apples’ comparisons from site to site. Based on my personal skiing experience, however, the idea that scores from different sites can be compared meaningfully is kind of illogical. I would bet that every single tournament skier knows about which lakes in his or her local area produce the best scores. Not, in my opinion, due to slacking off on tolerances or weaving, but because some lakes just simply ski better than others. I’m absolutely not saying that’s the case about the sites in question here. I’m not saying anything about them one way or the other. What I am saying is that we all seem to agree that placement at a tournament is a legitimate competitive yardstick, and I’m getting the impression that most here also agree that site to site buoy comparisons are not as meaningful. It’s not that sites are wildly different, but even a half buoy difference from site to site can be a big deal on that list. So why not argue for the simpler, more intuitive, and logical fix: change the ranking list to be based on competitive outcomes at the tournaments instead of raw buoy count? Again, I’m not saying we shouldn’t strive for legitimacy in our specs. We definitely should, but it would seem that your main motivation for this crusade could be achieved in a much better way that would avoid this whole mess altogether by changing the way the ranking list is calculated.
  15. @prk a drill that might help is the lean drill: Pull out to one side of the boat and try to get as wide as possible. Just keep leaning down the rope. All the way down the lake. Record above process on video. Review video and adjust form. Repeat. Another question: How fast are you skiing in the course? Most likely, you'll want to slow down until you can run a full set of passes at the same speed nice and early. Spend the sets working on skiing wide and early.
  16. @OscawanaSkier weird. It could be unique to the iPhone Xs although that seems a little strange.
  17. @VTskier @OscawanaSkier you're right, the selfie camera is much, much better. However, one of the major drawbacks of using it is that the video seems to be mirrored so everything looks backwards when watching. Not the end of the world, but definitely awkward to watch.
  18. @eleeski when you talk about the old Quantum and old Radar what years do you have in mind?
  19. @h2onhk not sure what it'd be called but I'm pretty sure it's a front flip 540 starting from the back position. Not an approved trick yet but hopefully he's submitted it for consideration.
  20. @Horton does the SafeSport restriction mean that he's ineligible to complete right now? If so, what jurisdiction does that apply to? Will he be able to compete at Moomba? Will he be competing at the Masters if the interim period goes through May?
  21. @CParrish43 looking forward to watching you this year! Where are you visiting on your traveling clinic tour?
  22. If you are serious about it I would recommend reading The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell. It’s the only ‘diet’ book I’ve ever read that actually talks about serious nutrition research and it is very convincing. He advocates a whole food, plant based diet due to the overwhelming evidence that it is the best diet for treating or minimizing the likelihood that you’ll develop many serious diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and a wide array of cancers. The broad scientific consensus is largely in agreement and recommends a diet consisting of whole (not processed) primarily plant based food with only moderate meat intake. I’ve gone to this diet at home and it was much easier than I expected it to be. I don’t follow it when I eat out because it’s difficult to do so and I feel healthy enough to get away with it. My impression is that the keto diet is just a new name for the south beach diet, or the low-carb diet, or the paleo diet. Whatever you want to call it, is it not just the idea of being low carb and entering ketosis to lose weight? I read a pro-keto book and did the diet a couple years ago (right before it started being referred to as the keto diet), but ultimately gave it up due to health concerns. Since that I’ve read several sources that indicate there can be very serious side effects and every doctor I’ve spoken to has had bad things to say about regularly entering ketosis. And I always found the idea that a significant amount of bacon is healthy to be ludicrous. I’m sure I’m being somewhat unfair to the keto diet so please feel free to correct anything I’ve misconstrued.
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