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Posts posted by BobF

  1. Interesting question. I'm 59, and started course skiing in my early 30's. It had been a few years since I skied a pb, but occasionally have been clearing a 35 and struggling into 38 for the last several seasons. Have taken pro lessons a few times - huge help.

    This year has been better than ever, regularly clearing 35's, and getting deep into 38 often. Credit to having friends that are as committed (or more so) as you are to the sport. Without getting out there often, there's not enough time to develop the skills needed to progress at some level.

  2. On other thing to think about (cause you don't have enough already :) )might be to stop trying to get your entire body (or head) outside the buoy line. You can likely ski 32 like a narrow 28. Even more important as you progress further up the line.
  3. My hips back wake crossing can usually be traced back to my position in, or exiting, the previous turn. A coach once told me "I want you to put pressure on the big toe of your front foot all the way through the turn. Just the big toe". That simple advice surprisingly improved my stance a lot. It's impossible to do that without being somewhat over your front foot. Different things resonate with different people for sure.
  4. We have a course about an hour northeast of DC, just the other side of Baltimore. It's in a bay tributary, but most times we can get good conditions early. Let me know if you still have a need, and I'm sure we can get you a pull.
  5. I have a couple of observations on this:


    1. I believe a handle twists depending on how it's strung. I have a couple of handles where there is a noticeable off-center twist where the yoke is spliced.

    2. I use a handle protector, and mine doesn't twist because it planes behind the boat.


    Also (ok, three observations), I do not like staring down a twisted rope to the boat while waiting to start. It messes with my ocd nature.

  6. @Horton Question for you: As you continued testing of the wf, I read that you started using calipers rather than the "1/2 turn" type tuning instructions provided with the fin. Did you continue to follow the tuning flowchart at that point, or did you resort to more traditional fin tuning methods?
  7. @Steven_Haines Remove the washer and tighten down the fin block, then then measure and set your fin, then re-insert the washer. That ensures that your fin block won't flex in the opposite direction from the pressure of the washer.


    Edit: This wasn't a suggestion to improve your offside turn, but who knows? :smile: Also - Skijay (I think) posted a video about torquing down the fin before inserting a washer. Showed the fin box bowing instead of the ski.

  8. On our lake, we laid two rows of grass block pavers (you know, the kind that let grass grow up through it) where our trailer wheels go. It works fine, since the two boat trailers that use it have a similar wheelbase.
  9. I would assume that this is for the "Another sanctioning organization for 3 event..." that states:


    "Please be advised this question is not just for current members of USAWS but also of those site lurkers and skiers that currently are not members of AWSA/USAWS"


    But it's in the Politics area, so unavailable for polling or comment.

  10. Wow, that looks great! Drop in and go, no less.


    @Stevie Boy I had the same thought. I'm on a D3, but considering a Radar. Given that the CG fin does not make a distinction between the thickness of their fin for D3 vs Radar, I wonder if one of them would be "good enough" for both? (and which one?)


    Full disclosure - I already pulled the trigger and ordered the D3 version anyway. If I switch skis, I'm sure someone will take if off my hands. :smile:

  11. I find what happens to work best for me is to think of keeping a connection to the boat after the second wake to the ball. In my case, this is usually thinking about keeping my elbows pinned to my vest to try and maintain outward direction.


    After the ball, going into 1st wake, I think about keeping my head level (usually spotting the next ball in front of the boat) and pushing straight arms down towards my feet.

  12. Tried to back roll a wakeboard for a summer (yeah, I know...) with no coaching or experience whatsoever. Did not expect to ever get all the way around. When I actually did complete the flip, had not thought that far ahead. Knees were way too soft. I crushed, and my right knee hit my nose and broke it nearly clean off my face. Would not get back in the boat (mine) until I could get the bleeding under control. Gotta watch out for that carpet! haha
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