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Everything posted by AdamCord

  1. Great article @noodleba From @Chad_Scott "Make sure you don't allow the skier to pull you to the left as they make the initial pullout" EXACTLY! I see soooo many drivers who line up on the right and "let the skier pull them left" on the pullout. Can we stop this nonsense!? I want a solid connection on the gate pullout, I don't want to drag the boat left. Just line up straight and hold it there during the pullout.
  2. Awesome @drew let us know how it goes. My experience skiing a course that was set up too wide (accidentally) one time is that the ski will need to be MUCH faster and free-er in order to work. It takes a lot more energy to go out and come back that extra meter.
  3. I wouldn’t read much into it. I did a flying edge change at the Malibu Open and at Hilltop behind the SN. I normally train behind a 200. It’s more likely to happen first couple sets behind any boat you aren’t used to, especially if those sets are in a high pressure tournament where you are going really hard. I haven’t skied the new MC but from what I’ve heard the wakes a great and it skis great.
  4. @Horton great idea. I'd argue that the skier point values should change from week to week based on their standing. That way when someone has a breakout year their point value is reflective of their current skiing instead of their skiing last year. Or if someone was injured the previous year and misses a season his value should not be zero for the entire next season.
  5. This should probably come with a disclaimer that you will be sworn to secrecy as you will most likely see and also take part in all the top secret Denali development.
  6. I've had several people ask me what to do now that the water is getting colder. Do the opposite of what's above in the first post.
  7. @Anderson without seeing video it's hard for me to say, but if none of those settings felt good to you and your boots were in almost the same position the whole time, most likely your boots need to go forward. If you got any video go ahead and send to me and I will do my best to get you sorted out. adamcord@denaliskis.com
  8. I tried to do a similar model a few years ago. Best I could come up with is that you COULD model this using pendulum math IF you kept gravity in the equation as variable. What's called "gravity" in normal pendulum math is actually caused by wind and the water moving under the skier. Of course this force will vary massively depending on the roll, pitch, and yaw of the ski, as well as the speed of the ski relative to the water and air. You basically have to guess what the gravity is at each point in the skier's swing around the pylon. I really don't see any way to accurately model the gravity variable, although you could potentially deduce what it is at some points in the course using line tension data? That would at least give you some sort of numbers to start with. What I like about @H2OkieNC 's' model above is that it does a good job of showing how much more the skier needs to move DOWN the lake after centerline than across it, which is a key tenant of what we've been working on with GUT.
  9. My original comment, which seemed to spark most of the controversy, was really just poking fun at the name. If you're hosting an event, you have the right to make whatever rules you want. But calling it "Elite World Tour" and then not letting the Elite skiers come? You're just asking for it at that point. If we want to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, we can talk about top level over-35 skiers and how most of them/us fall out of the sport. @liquid d are there many old pros who would have signed up for this event? You're right, there probably aren't. But do you ever wonder why? Mostly BD, but also events like this create a culture of exclusion of skiers like that. There are a lot of people who don't seem to want these skiers competing in 55k tournaments. I've heard the arguments about how BD started as a backyard amateur series for top level M3/4/5 skiers. And if that's what it still was then that's great. But it became a World tour, with sponsorship dollars, webcasts, etc, basically competing with real Pro events. I don't have a problem with a senior/55k tour that is well run and funded. In fact I think it's great for the sport and would like to see more of it. But the rules have become more and more exclusionary to keep the better/younger 55k skiers out, because a lot of guys with egos don't want to get beat. Some of us have kicked around the idea of putting on some more inclusive events. Hopefully we can make that happen in the next few years. How much fun would it be to have an event for ANYONE over 35 skiing 55k? CP, Asher, Tgas, Caldwell, Parsons, TW, Trent, and on and on. Would be a blast.
  10. @D3dude he’s not awake yet. Gotta get the good comments in while he’s asleep.
  11. @mshaw200 you don’t see the irony in not inviting open men over 35 to this event, but then in complaining that open women skiers “don’t have the balls to join us”? And speaking of that...this is pretty demeaning to OW skiers who train day in and day out to be at the peak of their sport. What is the upside for these women to come to an event like this, where most have no chance of winning? They are pushing women’s slalom to the absolute limit and inspiring many young skiers to compete. They don’t need to prove anything by skiing against a bunch of men.
  12. They're calling this an "Elite" event? Then let the Elite skiers compete.
  13. @VONMAN the D3 boot holes are way further back compared to the heel position than any other company’s binding for some reason. Also the c75s last year had the inserts slightly further forward than the 2021 has.
  14. 12 make it to round two, then 4 make it to round three, then top 2 head to head
  15. @Ryota we can ship anywhere except Mars
  16. @owennibley at 185 you'll want a Medium @customski if you're 190 I'd also put you on a Medium, especially since I know you ski 36 sometimes.
  17. @Bill22 at 34mph realistically it’s probably 110-120lbs. We could look at making a softer one if you needed lower.
  18. Definitely not a hard and fast rule. If you’re on the bubble and looking to improve then it makes sense to go up to the next flex level. What we don’t want is someone running 15 on a ski made for 41, or vice versa.
  19. @KRoundy beer for those of us who get knocked out early
  20. @JeffSurdej @savaiusini Adam Caldwell not coming
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