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Posts posted by MattP

  1. Awesome that @rico , @charlieskiwest and the rest of Ski West are hosting this event! This is some what a joke and somewhat serious. How many of those amazing lakes in a row in Arvin + close by will be available for practice? I know organizing the dozens of owners can and is a hard task not to mention boats, but would be cool for the greater Arvin ski community if they somehow all opened their doors to the nation to stop in for practice or demo lakes for ski brands. Hell I might come for the week if I knew I could ski a hand full and still help with the tournament some. 

  2. Here is the list

    Skiers who have run 41/10.25 34mph/55k
    1. Jeff Rogers - 55k 2012
    2. Andy Mapple - 55k 2014
    *Frederic Halt - 55k 2014
    3. Aaron Larkin - 55k 2018
    Greg Sund - 55k 2018 Class C
    4. Adam Caldwell - 55k 2019
    Cale Burdick - 55k 2023 Class C

    * In a runoff. Does not count as an official score

    I also show that Buddy Shear holds the M3 MidWest All Tournament Record (Class C) 1@9.75 from September 1993 at the Lyons Invitational in Lyons, Michigan. Not sure what is up with that or it could have been news at the time. Predates my time in the sport by a few decades. 

  3. @horton bummer. Yea I under stand the merge and growing pains. This is the 5th? 6th? version of the forum over the years?  The new search functionality is good, but not sure I will waste my time trying to find those threads. Some were good to go back through every year or so. I don't think I could even begin to remember what to search I let the fav list curate that knowledge to save me some brain space. 

  4. I think Regina does ski more record events than Nate or she did for a number of years comparatively. I’d have to actually look at the data to know for sure. Remember any tournaments with more than 3-4 rounds depending how it’s structured or H2H rounds do not go in the IWWF scorebooks so that data does get a bit lost to time.

  5. Regina312 scores at 0@41 or shorter7 scores at 6@39319 scores through 39off in L or R events.First time though 39 was in 2009

    Nate138 scores at 0@43 or shorter20 scores at 6@41158 scores through 41off in L or R events.First time through 41 was in 2010

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