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Posts posted by Dirt

  1. I don't know about Ghost Rider but Rob is a great guy, who raised a great kid and has a hot girlfriend. He also happens to be one of best skiers I have ever had the privelige to watch. I can't think of a single negative thing to say about him or his family. I was always amazed and inspired to watch him ski.
  2. JT was a great jumper. I hate to admit slalom may have been his worst event. I agree with ShaneH....what the .... were you doing dressed as a bumblebee?? I also want to know why you were wearing a jumpsuit and a bicycle helmet in your dorm room.

  3. This was Horton's halloween costume 1989 at NLU (ULM now). I believe he dressed up like this by choice. I am not sure (or can't say) if alcohol was involved. I have many more pictures of him from his younger days but am afraid to post them due to threat of retaliation. I am sure others have pictures of Horton. Feel free to post them. He likes it.
  4. On the 68.5" Elite, the numbers that have felt the best to me are 30" binding, .798, 2.515, 6.855 and 8 degrees wing for 34 mph. I have tried a bunch of different settings and none felt bad. These have just felt the best. These numbers have given me symetrical turns with lots of angle and good hold off the second wake. Wide and early. Some of the other numbers I played with felt like the ski got slower or had much more drag. We will see after I ski on it some more and am not sooo worn out. Too many sets in the last couple weeks, not that it's a bad thing. Anybody elses numbers close to this on a 68.5?

  5. Thanks skidawg, I'll try those numbers. Is 6.837 tips? If so, what do you get jaws? I have a really old dial caliper. I am not sure if it matters. I started at .801, 6.849 tips (which seemed to translate to 6.725 jaws with my caliper), 2.510, binding 30" and 9 degrees wing at 34 mph. I had someone watch me and he said I had a lot of ski in the water on my offside turn. I tried someone elses numbers (.800, 6.737 jaws, 2.515, 30" binding and 8 degrees) and it felt better. I appreciate your help.
  6. TW, try 2.500 depth. The fin block is marked (I know this is not very accurate but with that cutaway fin in the back it is difficult to measure) 1/4 back from zero. They are marked with each tick being a half.This should give you a .495 from the back of the removed fin box to the base of the cutout at the back of the fin. I measured using the pointed end of the caliper (the end furthest away from the dial). 6.405 (tips) with fin block removed. measured from front of fin to base of cutout. 7 degrees wing. I attached some pics. I don't know if you have the same type of fin. Good luck
  7. I was very uncomfortable my first pass 36 mph 22 off. Missed it. I shortened and ran 28. I realized the numbers I got from a couple sources were for 34 mph and ran 32 and 35. Amazing angle but still a little uncomfortable. The next set I went out at 34 mph and ran 28, 32, 35 and 38. A bad start at 39 ended it quickly. I should not be going up the rope on a ski I just got on. It stays down very nicely, no wheelie. You never know. Sometimes you love a ski the first two weeks and then can't run a pass. We will see. I am very optimistic at this point.
  8. Just skied the elite. Feels different from anything I have skied on before. It holds angle nicely off the second wake. I have only had two short sets on it and have not had a chance to move the fin around. I noticed what others have posted about it being less effort to ski on and I had the wing angle at 9 for 34mph.
  9. Horton, try doing what you did in college. Study (code for playing on the computer and hanging out with your girlfriend) all of the time and build new water skis out of exotic materials. I remember you spending a lot of time attempting to get your car back.
  10. John, I think it may occur more with slower speeds or when learning to ski. My wife took a header at Cheyenne years ago and her ski hit her in the head. When I turned the boat around, there was blood everywhere. She had a good size hole just above her forehead. I could see her skull. It was scary. She got lucky and only had a concusion and needed sutures.
  11. Scot, thanks. The pain I have feels like an ice pick being driven into the inside of my arm just below the elbow. Is that "golf elbow?" Whichever one it is, hurts when I slalom or do curls (which begs the question, why do them as I am not good at either). I only practice so I can beat Horton again one day. LOL
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