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Posts posted by brody

  1. I have another somewhat related course question for Ed or anyone else that wants to chime in. We have a portable course that never gets removed. Stainless mainline with pregates. The lake is fairly small and shallow with a VERY mucky bottom. Once a weight goes in, it never comes out, which is why we don't remove it in the winter. (just sink it, lake is about 5-6' deep at the course). The course has been in for about 15 years now. Our cable mainline has stretched a bit and is now a little loose. I don't think the way it is currently anchored that I can move the existing anchors. So if is was to cut the ropes to the anchors, (not the mainline) and put in new anchors, how much weight do I need to hold it. It doesn't get overly rough where it is.

    PS. we are not concerned about the stretch in the line since there will never be a sanctioned tournament here it is just for public use. thanks

  2. i can tell you that my ski partner currently has a 2008 response lx that came with the Malibu cruise system. This is the boat I regularly ski/drive. He upgraded to zero off and yes he had to do the ecm update.
  3. A big problem is as soon as someone says but what about ratings!!!! There needs to be the rec level guys who don't care about ratings. We used to run a red tourny with a 3 fall and your out. Just what it sounds like. You can fall twice but the third time your done. We had divisions based on ability and we barely could get through the skiers in a day compared to the sanctioned events that 5-8 skiers would show up. All I'm saying is not everybody cares about ratings for nationals
  4. Look for an early 2000 response lx the wake is great and they handle batter than any boat out there. The nautique is great if you drive in a course but handles like a tank outside. They are built for driving a straight line only.
  5. To bring a boat into Canada, you do NOT have to give 72 hrs notice (mine came from the US). That only applies to a motor vehicle. The boat is not a motor vehicle because it is not registerd on the road and the trailer is not self propelled that only applies for cars etc
  6. A pro skier told me to get them to learn to ski on the single from the combo set. As soon as they are steady on the single get them off it onto a true kids slalom ski. The combo ski will be more stable to learn on. Once steady, they will develope bad habits to make it turn. This worked great for my 8yr daughter. Now she's killing it on her HO slash
  7. I agree don't worry about the fin. My daughter who is 9 is on a 62, she sounds to be at about the same level. She was running the mini around 25 mph and now is moving to working in the full course. The ski size was recommended to me by a pro skier who has kids around this age. He told me not to go over a 62.

    I disagree about skipping the mini course. It gives them early success, teaches them to pull across the wakes and they don't get frustrated

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