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Posts posted by Ed_Johnson

  1. kpicket,

    Lots of good advice here and I would just like to add ONE simple thing. From the Hookup through the edge change add LEAN to increase your leveraged position. Good old Hip to the Handle, Arms Straight, Elbows to the Vest, Shoulders Back, Chin Tucked In "LEAN."

    I thought I had lean till I skied with Andy Mapple who really showed me what lean was all about.

    Also, if you can emphasize the lean in the Direction of Travel, there will be a substantial increase in acceleration and sustained angular momentum for carryout. With carryout being a key ingredient to your shortest line lengths.

    Good Skiing,   ED
  2. GAJ0004,

    I swiched to the Masterline Pro Edition. Same one they use on the Pro-Tour. At first it felt like a steel cable compared to the stretch I got from Brenda's Ropes. You visually see it is much thicker and should outlast other brands. I am use to it now and like the instant acceleration it gives me instead of waiting for the stretch. Try it with C-3 for the ride of your life.

    Ski Well,   ED


  3. Jay,

    Thanks for the info. Sure miss everyone in Texas. Greatest group of people we have ever known. Please say Hi to everyone for us!!!!!!

    Hope you get back on the water soon. Say Hi to Lydia.

    Your Friend,  ED

    PS: Tell Schnitz to stop by Orlando on his way back and ski behind the new 200 that we heavily discussed.

  4. I have the 409 in my 2011 SN200 and Love it. The pull is great and it is so nice now to have Zero-Off to ski behind instead of occasionally at Tourneys or a Ski School. Although, having used B-2 in the past, it always felt the same as PP to me. The bigger difference was the wake between boats.

    As far as the 409 goes, I have skied and driven other 200's with the 343. What I didn't like about the 343 was that it ran at 4000RPM @ 34 MPH, was louder, and had a bump at 28off. The 409 is quieter, runs @ 3690 RPM @ 34 MPH, and no bump at any line length. I felt it had a slightly softer wake overall.

    I skied with Andy Mapple before ordering my boat and Andy chose the 409 for his personal boat. I also followed the recommendation of both Jody and Marco in selecting the 409. I really liked the fact it was 200lbs lighter and ran at less RPM.

    Bottom line was I wanted the best Slalom boat I could find and would not have spent an additional $5000 for the 409 unless I believed it to be a better choice for all the reasons listed above.

    Ski Well,  ED

  5. JAS,

    Current settings: 66" WR  6'4" Wt. 225#,,,,,,,Bindings Powershell 5 @ 30.00"    Factory was  29.625".

    Speed Slot Fin....7.625...2.578.....DFT .279 Slot Caliper...Wing Fixed.

    This is my current warm water settings: +85 degrees.

    Goode Luck,  ED

  6. jaredFish,

    In answer to your question, is there a difference between the 2010 and 2011 200, the answer is yes. This is the reason I waited for the 2011. Aside from different interior material and locker hinges, the big difference I saw was the wake and the RPM. When I first skied and drove the 2010, the wake had a noticeable bump in the middle. That is completely gone on my boat. Also, at 34 the RPM was 4000, but this was the 343. I ordered the 409 with mine and it is 3690 @ 34 MPH. Also has slightly more padding in the engine box and the boat is fairly quiet. Zero-Off may also be smoother since they have a new program for the 200. Thats about all that I've noticed at this point.

    Ski Well,  ED

  7. 09 CC 196 vs CC 200,

    Just received my 2011 CC 200 last week and it's great. However, that's not the whole story.

    The dealer sold my 05 LXi and gave me a 09 196 to use till the 200 came in. Had it for 3 weeks. It was one sweet boat. The wakes blew away my LXi, plus it was great to have Zero Off and work out personal settings before the 200 came in. During that time I pulled 5 different skiers ranging from 15 -39 off. Everyone thought B-2 felt just like PP. I like C-2 but had a lot more experience using Z-Off before. It was the first time for 3 of them.

    My Daughter PB'd behind it and said it had NO Wake in her opinion. I had to agree that the wake seemed nonexistent. Also, the price has dropped a lot on the 196 since the 200 came out. This one was for sale at 29K. My ski partner liked it so much he bought it. If I would have had this boat before, I doubt I would have spent 40K more for a 2011 200.

    Just wanted to point out this is really a super boat for the money for anyone considering a newer boat.

    Ski Well,    Ed
  8. I have been on the WR for 2 years and love it. Several PB's. Best suggestion I have is to replace the Goode Fin with a Schnitz Speed Slot Fin. Better turns plus better tracking.

    Ski Well,   ED



  9. I would attribute Great Skiing in this new age of equipment,  (Zero-Off + Carbon Skis),  to handle control,  plus efficiency of movement.

    I know I have spent a vast  amount of time changing my form to take advantage of the selectable pull I receive from Zero-Off. If I could sum it up and place a Bumper Sticker on the back of my Boat it would say,.......


                                                    "HE WHO MOVES THE LEAST, WINS."

    Regards,   ED

  10. I have had pretty good success with painting mine with upside-down bright orange marking paint and then a coat of urethane spar varnish, clear gloss.....ED

    PS: Will be going to Goode Buoys after Labor Day but will still need orange Gate Buoys, so count me in for several.

  11. Something I feel is very worthwhile, is to free ski your moves, without the buoys breaking your concentration. If you are on a small Private Lake, as we are here in Orlando, the solution I came up with, is to pull out to the right, go through the entrance gates in reverse order, and mirror the course from the opposite side. It is amazing how your mind will free up your abilities to emulate your desired movements when the buoys are taken out of the equation. Same timing, same width, without the fear or added calculation concerning the buoys. I only wish, and I constantly strive, to bring my course skiing up to that level.

    Regards,   ED

  12. Stevie Boy,

    Since you brought up the subject of Old Dogs, that is something I am highly qualified to comment on, since today is my 62nd Birthday.

    While I agree there are lots of ways to skin the cat, an important consideration is longevity. Skiing efficiently is paramount if you want to keep skiing short lines at a ripe old age.

    Two prime examples are:

    (1) Getting pulled through the Center of Mass (COM) not only allows the boat to do the work for you but bypasses getting pulled through the arms, shoulders, and back. Thus eliminating back pain.

    (2) Learning to lean in the direction of travel with your COM is very stable and virtually eliminates  OTF's.

    I know just how valuable switching to WC or New School has been to allow me to keep skiing at a high level. I even sold my Goode Power Vest.

    Best Regards,    ED

  13. How to Be Efficient ?????  This is precisely what WC or NS is all about..... It has to do with control of COM, "Center of Mass Movement."..... ie: When you learn, through handle control, to be pulled through COM, you eliminate being pulled through the arms, shoulders, and back. Thus the boat does the work for you, making you more EFFICIENT !!!

     When you learn not only to lean, but to lean in the direction of travel, you accelerate better, thus being more EFFICIENT !!!

    Also, Speed not only generates Angle, but it generates Angle with LESS LOAD, thus being more EFFICIENT !!!

    For me this form of skiing did away with Back Pain, by being pulled through the COM..... It did away with OTF's, by being more solid through the wakes,  leading with the COM and not the shoulders...I only hope some of the misconceptions concerning massive compression and angulation can be dispelled.

    Best Regards,  ED

  14. I really believe that a lot of people confuse West Coast or New School with this supper compressed, twisted type position. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is all about efficiency of movement. It pertains to Center of Mass in the direction of travel that gives you EFFICIENT acceleration. In other words, it is not lean against the boat that gives you acceleration, but lean in the direction of travel that gives you acceleration.  Also, it is not angle that gives you speed, but speed that gives you angle.

    In Marcus's own words, he states the most efficient "New School" skier is Chris Parrish. Why, because he has no wasted movement. He uses counter rotation and COM Movement in the direction of travel. Being 6'5," inclination gives him the greatest leverage behind the boat. With a shorter person, such as Marcus, it is necessary to use angulation , with a lower center of gravity, to achieve his greatest leveraged position.

    I hope this may help to clear up some misconceptions.

    Best Regards,   ED
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