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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. @Luzz I talked to D W. been playing with dft. 77. Not enough width. .79. To free. Going to try it at .78 fb 29-7/8 bb. 17-7/8 getting close like feel of the ski just Need a few tweaks any suggestions?
  2. Anyone riding the new HO. Works skis ?
  3. @DonT water was 60 today. Air. 70 with the warm temp the. 5 foot deep pond warms up fast water will be 65-70 before may 1st
  4. I drive by that area all the time and have never seen a coarse Rosewater in Kalispell is always an option hit me up
  5. I need to stay connected better off the second wake
  6. Lot is for sale at Rosewater Kalispell MT this is not my lot just putting out there for the ballers that might be looking to move to MT. Great waterskiing and great snow skiing at Whitefish Resort. https://portal.onehome.com/en-US/property/aotf~1033133750~MTR?token=eyJPU04iOiJNVFIiLCJ0eXBlIjoiMCIsInNldGlkIjoiMjcyNDg1Iiwic2V0a2V5IjoiNzc4IiwiZW1haWwiOiJjaW5keXVyZW5AcHVyZXdlc3RtdC5jb20iLCJyZXNvdXJjZWlkIjowLCJhZ2VudGlkIjoyMTgyMiwiVmlld01vZGUiOiIxIn0%3D&searchId=f8a9ca32-71e2-34aa-b6b5-53e405674541
  7. @UWSkier in waterskiing you can let go of the handle before you are trouble. At least I do. I don’t hang on the shat I can’t handle or of I get in wacky position I just let go. Starting doing this 15 hrs ago a prerelease you don’t know when it will happen
  8. I skied on a arc from 1984-1995 when back to rubber Ho in 2000. Starting use a reflex had a new system every 2-3 yrs using the 400 or 404 release in 2020 had a prerelease at hook up at -32 was using a new 850 release was on a 6 the stainless spring in the 850 I blame the older 400-404 and 750 and all snow ski binders use steel springs I now ski in T factor fb My ski buddy in using a new radar bolted to the plate and his son is using the same I pray no one ever gets hurt like I did July 18 2020 A prerelease can kill you! I non released will hurt you at most Ps I do know a few thinks about waterski and snow ski release bindings started ARC and have been working for Head Tyrolia for 28 years Be safe check your shat ( like I did ) all the time when I not sure double check ( I tell my ski buddy with that release turn it up a static test does nothing you are putting way more stress on the release when skiing then standing on the dock the reflex heel release was designed in ww2 its crap technology we as water skiers need new updated technology but it will never happen no $ in it Sad but true go luck all and think short my skiing friends Deano
  9. The radar boots release. The same as the old ones. release All depends on boa and bungee. Tension many skiers are not using the reflex release the boot was designed to be used both ways.
  10. Horton I know multiple skiers using the radar boot without the reflex release. They just use the bungee upper laces. And have zero issues Way less maintenance and never a prerelease BTW IDS
  11. Ski the boot without the reflex then you will have no issue with prerelease
  12. you Need to move the heel closer to the toe. should have two wholes where the heel bolts to the. Price that bolts to the plate. Distance between And. B. Is to great when the ski flex and counter flexes. You release reflex pos. Heel. Will kill you if not set up correctly when set up correctly can still have issues.
  13. anyone have feed back on this ski ?? SKI-IT-AGAIN.COM : SEARCH Slalom
  14. I was so curious about the HO 01 i bought one have it in the closet waiting for the lake to become liquid
  15. no pads I personally remove all pads from my front and back plates.
  16. They need help with R and D IMO stiff tail boots IMO are not what is needed or used at a high level no full plate no more micro ? plus breakage issue on back inserts.
  17. I live in MT cold water is under 55 degrees summer water temps 70 i added .05 in length and take out .03-.04 in depth compared to the lake I used to ski in that was warm 80 plus in the summer I leave boots in the same place except under 50 I move the fb with the mirco adjust one click forward. run about the same scores until the water gets under 50 then we have all kinds of variables,
  18. 12 wasted sets OUCH I don't know about the R-3 is that the correct name for the stiffest S line, IMO The comp is a bungy waisted a few sets then stretched it with the truck, but never wanted to waste water time so when buck to my M/L
  19. Another thumbs up for Jb weld
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