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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. No gym ever. I waterski snow ski mtn bike and dirt bike
  2. @gsm_peter every ski is hand built! no machine building skis. pros get custom lay ups for sure or their personal ski with the latest graphics happens in all pro sports
  3. @StevePops You want a 67 4 sure
  4. I was the guy that had a mess guard got my chin stuck for a second Torn mussels in neck I’m back skiing well again Have a FM now hard plastic small hole no way to get my hand through the gap it small Never miss grab due to guard Had a reflex prerelease at hook up at -32 Binding set on 6.5 Aug 18 1030am remembered every clearly pitched toward the boat First time I have ever had this prerelease on water I Will never use a binding that can come off mechanically again I believe it was a lateral sheer release over skiing a -32 I have been using hard shells since 1989 ARC was the first been on reflex for 12 years new system every two yrs I know release system well both water ski and snow ski bindings Use a guard saved my life And it was never going to happen to me I’m to good to smart ect Then you have 1 sec to make a choice how it all goes down as you are thinking is not going to good Imo no guard =crazy
  5. ditch the back boot go back to a kicker or get a Wiley 3/4 rear boot
  6. expensive is the dam boat I'm protecting!!
  7. Foot size 11 med front t factor Pull stock bungee tight Shoe laces on the bottom
  8. Get it hot then have her stuck 12 galllons out of a bucket done in 10 mins
  9. Ski partner has a 2022 vapor looks real good on it. He was on a 2021 22 turns better and looks like it also slows /shuts down more His -35 are very consistent on the new ski
  10. Warm flexible they do run a little small
  11. I gave up Reflex after 12 years I'm now using a T factor fits great skis better way stiffer than a blk reflex shell IMO
  12. Keith is correct it’s the timer
  13. the heel released then she came out of the toe the reflex heel has no elasticity one quick bump /or spike on the heel pressure and it will release
  14. @BraceMaker MOB is also old 1960 Non Din tech, but MOB does have forward pressure and Setting spring. Reflex only has setting spring no forward pressure
  15. Reflex may a be a standard but the technology is from 1960 snow ski non DIN era I wish we had a better option
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