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Everything posted by Deanoski

  1. toilet bowl cleaner mixed 50 -50 with water spray on, hose off.
  2. @thager that's why I always use the same tape. when setting up or adjust boots.
  3. Best thing you can do is let go earlier
  4. Hats off for ML one product to sell through store fronts one product to sell DTC Brilliant IMO
  5. Bought a medium stretch Its a bungee going to stretch it over night. See if it helps Probably should have got the stiff one Other wise it will be a ,do you have a rope / rope if you know what I mean 5-11” 180 Currently on a M/L
  6. Size 11 in a large (medium width foot) Get the boot hot in a tub of water Real hot Soap up slid I asap pull lanes as tight as possible (After it cools enough so you will not get burned of coarse ) Wear until it cools This will help the break in period no matter what size you choose awesome snug comfortable fit after this process in done
  7. @skibug what setting did you use on the Ion -S
  8. @Milford 5'11" 175-180 would you ride a 64 or a 66?
  9. @mcskier41 my thoughts exactly. just mount them to the plate, they release just fine why use the reflex 100yr old heel Technology , no forward pressure and no elasticity. its all we have!! ( to bad NO $ in Waterskiing) wish the technology we have in snow ski bindings was used. need a new heel design with forward pressure adjustments and elasticity in the heel. if you do not know what these futures are well the story ends here.
  10. put a guard on it will be two yrs july 18th live to ski an another day
  11. HO dry flex are great suits and more durable than the Camaro
  12. anyone have # for a D-3 ion stock # working -35 skier
  13. S-lines and In Tow are DTC a different animal. All fun to ski with!
  14. I run a T factor front and a 3/4 willey rear with a D3 foot bed so both feet are on the same height and feel.
  15. Nates is on a T factor it has a thick foot bed. IMO both feet being level is more important than height.
  16. @lpskier thanks for the life vest tip we have two courses to survey
  17. Do you guys use sure path the check the coarse dimensions
  18. Goodman’s if you can get a pr
  19. @georgert Most of the Wc racers don’t use much or any foot beds
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