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Everything posted by bmiller3536

  1. Scott, is the pain in both elbows or just one elbow? A friend was dealing with pain in just one elbow...his palm up elbow...he switched his grip and that cured him.
  2. Teammalibu, I may be interested in that Z7. Riding RCX now and am interested to see if Z7 is any faster. Anyone ride both RCX and Z7?
  3. Richard, I am not a youtube person but I will try to post something on there. Are you heading to nats this year? if so I will bring some extra rope and maybe we will run into one another
  4. I tie my own handles, you can order all the parts and rope from Lake elmo Watersorts, All you need is a two crochet needles and 30 minutes and you can have your own custom handles.
  5. Joe, that sounds about right. We will probaly be looking to replace our club boat after this ski year so maybe if things works out we can make something happen. The Survivor Tournament you are hosting sounds sounds like it should be alot of fun, great idea
  6. yeah, that is what i thought. Any idea how much all that would cost?
  7. Can ZO be put into an 05? I thought it had to be an 07 or newer to upgrade to ZO
  8. Joe, how much for that 07 Nautique?
  9. Yeah, I think they were giving those Monza's away. Better hurry while supplies last
  10. I am not saying Radar's cannot be ridden by the average skier. All that I am saying is Radar skis will have downsides just like every other ski out there. No one has made the 'perfect ski'. One of my biggest problems on a ski is getting alot of tip rise. So the Radar would not be the first ski I tried. Depending on the skiers style certain skis will fit more naturally. Regina and Chris are freakish athletes that can do things no one else can do. It is hard to try and evaluate a ski when it is under Chris Rossi
  11. I think Bruce55 was exagerating his claim a little bit, but TW seemed to get a little defensive about it. If Chris Rossi cannot keep the tip of the ski down on both turns (just for a half second) then what will that ski do to someone who is not as athletic? or 99% of the other sloalom skiers out there?
  12. His ski tip rises on the back side of 3 & 5, I have noticed it in some of Chris's videos before the Strada as well. I think that is just part of his style, but everything he loses when the ski tip rises he gets right back behind the boat.
  13. Well, there is the coefficient x or the coefficient x/sl The coefficient x being $600 and coefficient x/sl being $820 per HO website and looks like the only difference is what the core of the ski is made of. A1/S1 for advanced skiers -38+ Coefficient X/SL for intermediate skiers up to -35 Coefficient X for beginner course skiers Sorry, what I meant by beginner was course Beginner or someone that can run the course up to about -28
  14. I would imagine the ski does not compare at all to the S1. The S1 is designed for advanced slalom and the Coefficient is designed for beginner slalom
  15. What kind of ski is your husband skiing on now? If your husband can run 3@41 on the current ski he is on, then he may want to re-consider getting rid of it considering the national record is 3.5@41. MS the only review I have heard about the Powervest was from Bink, he said it was very akward and he struggled to get through 32' using it.
  16. I see how the powervest can help you ski more by making it easier on your back and arms. But don't your legs get tired after 12 passes? I am 27 years old and in great shape. I weigh 170 lbs and ride a 66" ski. I will occasionally ski a 10-12 pass set but my legs are rubber when I get out of the water. I run into 38' off everyday at practice. I ski with a guy named Mongo who is 60 years old and runs 38' off fairly consistently and I consider him an absolute freak but he never makes it passed 8 -10 passes? What kind of line lengths is your husband running to be able to ski that many passes?
  17. I don't care of that was real or not, it was hilarious
  18. Can you tell if your ski was over the centerline of the buoy or 1" on the outside of the centerline of the buoy? Does anyone know why they changed the rules on the gate? I think the rule was better when all you had to do was displace the right hand gate buoy? What is everyones thought on that?
  19. I agree with Joe. Class C tournaments, for the most part, are about people having fun and enjoying the sport Yeah, you want to enforce the rules but judge's should keep in mind there is a time and place for everything. As long as the skier does not repeatedly miss the gates or miss the gates by a mile the judge should not cut their gates. And if you are going to warn a skier that they missed their gates or they were close to missing their gates on a pass wait until after the round is over and then go say something to them.
  20. Is this discussion really taking place? Let's say the skier is not required to pass through the entrance gates. Then what is stopping the skier from starting the course at one ball? You would be making the sloalom course 5 buoys as opposed to 6? I am not saying the gates are perfect the way they are, but to suggest not having entrance gates is somewhat outrageous
  21. Yeah, I would get Claustraphobicc in there. Shelby, you running 38 yet?
  22. I do not think fin adjustments effect skiers equally and that is why it can be counter-intuitive. Every skier has their own style and what may seem to help one person can cause another skier to get worse. Fin adjustments are just there so we have something to blame for a bed week or two.
  23. Loading to early, she should be in that position directly behind the boat. She will never be able to hold that position through both wakes
  24. A few ski buddies of mine started skiing with a practice rope that starts @ 28 off and has 2 foot sections up through 38 off. We got into a discussion on wether or not this would be beneficial. I figured I would open this up to anyone out there that has an opinion.  I do not think running 34 off or 36 off will help you run 38 off. I think you can accomplish more by working on technique at 32 off and 35 off and becoming more consistent at 35 off ( an actual line length) than running 34 or 36 off.
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