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Everything posted by lpskier

  1. @Bruce_ButterfieldOuch!
  2. @Bruce_Butterfield that’s what my father said in the 60’s!
  3. @TayntonBeing a northern New Yorker (about 60 miles south of the border) I have lots of friends from Toronto. They universally pronounce it with the second T silent. But then they pronounce Vancouver “Vancouver,” not “Vancoover,” as I hear it pronounced from time to time in western Canada. When in Rome, I like to say, do as the Romans do. FYI, my three favorite mountains to ski in North America are in western Canada: Whistler, Blackcomb and Fernie. Now that’s some skiing! I’ll give myself an “off topic” for this one.
  4. There is a private lake on the Niagara peninsula where Harold Hittringer skis in the summer. Three sites in Ottawa. There is also a lake hear Toronto named for the province. Not sure it has any ski sites though. And FYI Yankees, it’s Torono, not Toronto. The second T is silent.
  5. I worked out with @bkreis program for several winters. He’d send the workouts and I’d do the sweating in my basement. First class and highly recommended.
  6. Nothing particularly interesting to the majority of folks on BOS. The bulk of the proposed rule changes pertained to dual citizens competing on US teams and at Nationals.
  7. The proposal to raise the M9 speed from 49k to 52k was defeated at this weekend’s BOD meeting.
  8. If you want to ski faster than your division max in slalom or jump in a record tournament, you can ski in an international division. For example, if you are in M7 with a max speed of 52, you can ski “S3” (55+) at 55k. You may have to explain what you want to do to your scorer, but hopefully your CJ will know the rule. How it shakes out on the ranking list is still not clear to me. Fyi, if you received a poll about potentially increasing the M9 max speed from 49k to 52k, that proposal was not approved by the AWSA board.
  9. @Hortonsure, if you re creating slack. But I’d say no, if the rope stays tight you are going the same speed as the boat, or maybe just a RCH faster. Question: Who accelerates to a higher relativ speed? An open slalom skier at say 10.75 or a pro jumper? Someone has that data.
  10. I practice trick skiing on a lazy Susan.
  11. I have a reoccurring dream that I’m at Nationals and ski past the 55s and forget to pull out for the gate. Of course I have another reoccurring dream that I’m at the final exam and not only did I not go to class, I never even bought the books. Psychologically, I suppose they really are the same. Some manifestation about fear of being unprepared. But as a lawyer I never once dreamed that I was in court and unprepared. Go figure.
  12. @horton Does Buford wakeboard at all? If so, I recommend going to OWC (owned by Correct Craft) in the afternoons after skiing to ride the cable. This is very popular with kids and lots of fun. And loads cheaper than Disney. Also, if you want to do some park activity, Sea World has great deals, again much cheaper than Disney, but more expensive than riding the cable…
  13. @jjackkrash How do you lose 20# in a month?
  14. Easier to transition from a Senate to a Vapor.
  15. I don’t know who skis on Lake Norman but there are several great clubs in the area, Little Mountain Lakes in Maiden being one of the best slalom sites in the country.
  16. Put the new driver in the seat. Ask him where the brake is. If he looks at his feet, get a new driver.
  17. Andy spent considerable time in the gym and could lift a lot of weight. I disagree with anyone that says bench pressing or triceps work or whatever is irrelevant to your skiing. To have a balanced body, it’s very important to work out the muscles we don’t need to ski just as much as those we do need. If you allow weakness to exist, injury will figure out how to exploit that weakness. I suspect that few pro skiers don’t incorporate serious strength training as part of their overall ski plan. Skiing is a stew and there are many ingredients that go in the pot. Strength training is at a minimum the carrots. Maybe even the potatoes and the onions. I will concede that technique is the meat and is the primary ingredient, but meat alone is not a balanced meal @ColeGiacopuzzi “Skiing is 80% mental and the other half is physical.” Yogi Berra, with some poetic license.
  18. @Vernon ReeveAll Denali C-85s are 65”. They vary in width. Hence small, medium, etc.
  19. In 2021, my last year in M6, I won regionals with six no continuation at 35. In 2022 in M7, I tied for first with 4@38 (lost the run off, 2 vs 2.5 at 38). These were representative scores for each season. That’s a net two buoy loss per the ZBS chart, 96 vs 94, even though I look at it as a four buoy gain.
  20. I bought Anytime calipers on Amazon after seeing KLP using them, asking if he liked them and where he got them.
  21. Mesle Mono slalom. Best wooden ski ever made.
  22. I was required to devise and install such a device for the 2014 Eastern Regionals. The factors we considered were cost, ease of installation and effectiveness, more or less in that order. We settled on 100 foot rolls of 6” dia. perforated perimeter drain pipe. The mass needed for wake attenuation was self provided by the water in the pipe. For floatation we used swim noodles. Get them at a Dollar Store where they are $1 not Walmart where they are $3. We used inexpensive rope and concrete filled chimney block for anchors. All product was new and clean so we had no push back on potential pollution. The hardest part of the job was pushing the rope through the cavity in the noodle. I’m sure that several hundred tires or a mess of phone poles would have done a better job but neither option was practical for us. In your case you make have to install several rows of pipe to accomplish the job.
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