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Posts posted by skiinxs

  1. @KRoundy yeah, what @mmosley899 said:) Minor increase in weight, couldn't tell any difference in the way the ski performed with exactly the same binding location as before. To me that is what I was looking for, no performance downside with a big increase in safety. I am using dual Radar Carbotex boots. I am thinking about ordering another one for my trick ski. I think I know where I put that ski a couple years ago:)
  2. I tried to switch to Reflex a couple years ago but couldn't make the switch, actually couldn't even get up on the ski. I then went back to my double Radar Vapors, but was really not confident they would release if needed. I have run the latest version each year for a few years but never came out of them in any crashes but also hadn't had a really bad crash. I was getting more and more concerned that they wouldn't release if needed and was running my laces really, really loose, which I am sure was making them underperform. About mid-summer I decided to buy the MOB system. They were pretty pricey, but still way less then the deductible on my health insurance. I used my existing bindings, just now run them tight so they won't try to release. The great news is that there was no adjustment after setting them up. The ski felt the same. It was a little heavier, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. Toward the end of the season I had a brutal crash, worst one in many years. Stuffed the tip of the ski and went out the front. I think that is the hardest type of crash to get a release. Although I had the wind knocked out of me pretty bad, I walked away from it with no injuries. I actually didn't even realize the ski had released until I saw it floating about 50 feet away. That was my one and only test, hopefully there are no more crashes like that coming up. Now I can say it was money well spent as I am sure I would not have walked away from it if I had not put the release system on the ski. Years ago I spent quite a few years on the Goode hardshells, skied with them fine, just hated the raw fingers from trying to get all of the velcro off when replacing annually. I found out the hard way that they would prerelease on me if I tried to let them go a second year, and I had the whole plate completed covered in dual lock.
  3. After skiing close to a full season with the new rope I still really like it. By this time every other year my elbows are really killing me. This year, no pain at all. I do believe that the new ropes are much easier on the body. I can't really say I am skiing better with it, but certainly not any worse, hard to say, but I can say for certain that when I try to go back to an older rope I ski worse.
  4. @LakeboyWWK I agree on the curved handle helping elbows, but clincher gloves scare me because I have to really open my hand wide to get them to let go and I don't trust myself to do that every time. PRP is up to $500 US, but those 19 times are over a period of at least 15 years, probably a little longer. They have saved me a lot by preventing lots of surgeries, although I have had lots of those as well. (each shoulder twice, right elbow twice, left elbow once, each knee once, right ankle once. (Maybe I should learn to ski more cautiously:)
  5. I have had 19 PRP's and obviously am a huge fan. I believe all except two have been huge successes. I have never had more than one for the same injury other than the two that didn't work. They were a hail Mary for a torn rotator cuff in case there was enough still attached to heal. There wasn't, it can't make it magically reattach, only asist in healing a partial tear. My latest was this summer. Partial tear in the middle of my forearm coming out of the water. Had a PRP the next day. Four weeks off and as good as new. In case your doc didn't tell you, no Aleve or related drugs for a couple weeks. You want it to be aggravated, so it heals.



  6. @Jetsetr the steering starts to get vague, followed by a really hard left turn with the boat leaning really really hard to the right. Trying to counter steer to the right as it is happening makes it worse as then the rudder stalls. It will throw passengers out of the boat if they don't have a strong grip on something. The only recovery is hammering the throttle (if you have any left) to get the bow up, followed by gradually initiating a right turn as you gradually back off the throttle. In other words your intuitive reactions are all wrong. @ReallyGottaSki if it porpoises a little, someone probably already fixed it by taking some hook off the port side to free it up and bias it to the left side. You should make sure you never run the boat with it leaning to the right.
  7. @ReallyGottaSki I just saw your engine picture (nice!) and noticed your boom bracket. Chine lock when using a boom is very dangerous. There was a death caused from chine lock with someone on a boom with this vintage Ski Supreme. Make sure it will porpoise at wide open throttle.
  8. @ReallyGottaSki there was a plate on that vintage Ski Suprene that was used on the barefoot edition(this was the same hull). I had go6kd luck adding the plate for three event use. They did knock the rooster tail down and soften the wake a little. The plates were a simple flat aluminum plate approx. 10 " wide and 12" long. They were screwed to the bottom of the boat

    overlapping the bottom around 4". Generally mounted flat, but you could induce a little down angle by shimming at the back edge of the transom. If you have a boat out of the G mold (G in the serial number) DO NOT set the boat up to run bow down. Those hulls need to be free enough to porpoise a little at wide open throttle. If set up to run bow down they had a tendency to chine lock / rudder stall.

  9. If you are contemplating adding hook, you can simulate the effect of the hook by beads of silicone at the back edges of the bottom. Surprisingly, once cured it will stay on long enough to test the result. Once you find the amount and location of hook that works, you can duplicate with fiberglass (or bondo if that is all you can work with).
  10. Just checked the PCM website and the manuals for the 2020 engines are now available. sure enough, now recommending Dexos 2 5w30. No more searching for the crazy combination of 15W40 diesel oil with the SM gas certification that oil makers have been dropping.
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