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Everything posted by igkya

  1. @mfjaegersr I'm assuming you're joking about the ACV. While it may not taste good straight up, a shot in a glass of water with lemon helps and it does have several health benefits. But Coors light is just horrible.
  2. Is it wrong that I read the article while enjoying a cold beer?
  3. @Skirvind What settings did you end up with?
  4. @MISkier Appreciate the response, but I have not found a video on how to properly inflate the balls. I assume this will differ depending on the method of attachment (bungee, latex, rope, etc.) I understand and agree with the theory behind the safety and In understand the seam crease will fade will sun exposure. The crew I ski with aren't convinced on this yet and I'm just trying to get things right.
  5. For those using the Wally Sinker balls, how much should they be under-inflated? We just installed these and I'd guess they are ~90% inflated. The seam is still visible, not that I care, but just just on much air is enough and how is too much.
  6. Buy the 97 and I'll take the 06 :D
  7. The Overton's are nice and have a solid loop, but they (Overton's) don't seem to notice the difference between orange and red. Tried twice to get orange ones but got red both times. Switched to Wally Sinker this season.
  8. Bump. Anyone else with a double boot setup taking the screw out of rear foot boot to give more flex? or is it better to keep the screw in?
  9. @skierjp Copper Sulfate is for Algae control. Isn't Aquastrike for weeds?
  10. Ours usually comes in a plastic kind of bag (~50 lbs.). We put the bag in a burlap sack, make several cuts/slices in the bag and then tie burlap sack to back of boat, drop in a few feet of water and slowly drag the length of the pond. 1-2 passes, depending on the size of the slices/holes and the bag is empty. This allows the crystals to slowly dissolve directly into the water. I check the bag every so often and may need to adjust bag depending on # and size of slices/holes. I've also just dumped the entire bag of CS in the burlap sack but the crystals dissolve much quicker this way (bag is empty by 1/2 way down the pond). Both ways seemed to work well. Unless the algae is really bad, 1 bag works very well.
  11. Who isn't looking for that?
  12. We use copper sulfate for algae control, just don't ski for several hours once applied. For weeds, we've used dye in the past but something happened 2+ years ago and the weeds took over. We ended up using Sonar and that killed them within a few days.
  13. bump. Any other updates/comments on the 2022 Senate Pro Build?
  14. I'm LFF. Could this be causing me to go OTF on my 1/3/5 side turn? Had a bad fall at 3 that ended my day yesterday and then 1st pass today at 1 ball. Didn't notice it til after my last crash... so as a reminder, Check Yo $#it before you ski.
  15. If skiing at another's place, bring gas, or at least offer beers or $. I've traveled to a few ski places (flight) and couldn't bring gas, so offered beers/alcohol or $, their choice. While gas was preferred, other options were acceptable. Do something, and I still brought my own gear.
  16. @scuppers If they are course skiers I agree, but most newbies have no clue
  17. @Interjon Take? I'd probably take one too, if offered, but I'm not paying for one.
  18. We used to use Lakefx and a few skiers thought the temps were a bit cooler but no one thought it skied differently.
  19. Stop buying all products, especially oil, from Russia immediately and this ends much sooner than most other measures.
  20. @MS Not sure if Gretzky plays basketball as good as Jordon could skate. They need to play one-on-one basketball on ice skates :D Basketball players, in general, are considered some of the best athletes due to speed, stamina, strength, jumping and hand-eye coordination. Bill Russell won 11 NBA championships... 5 more than Jordon.
  21. @klindy you missed the rhetoric and sarcasm.
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