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Nick Sullivan

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Everything posted by Nick Sullivan

  1. @jipster...I have a feeling I know what the winning lotto numbers are, but I'm wasting space not telling you what they are. Who you think it is? This cracks me up! Just get to point already huh OB.
  2. I like what the professor is saying and I think he would agree with you Eric, there is a time for cutting the rope. However, when I have worked with a pro and recieved lessons they had me run pass after pass at my longer line lengths. Once again this is because we are focusing on technique and there is no way you can do this properly at your shorter line lengths.
  3. Would you pay the extra cash for a 6.0 though? Its expensive.
  4. Right on Kevin! Keep it up and kick ass this year. I say get on a used Strada or Fusion. Thats what I did after loosing all my weight.
  5. 5.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dig it in my 2012 WTT. Lighter than the 6.0 by about 100lbs if I remember correctly. The only time I can tell is once the boat is up on plain and heading towards the course. 6.0 would go from 15 to 36 mph in a fraction of a heart beat.
  6. Your on a 68"? That seems pretty big, that is unless you've been putting back a few too many beers over the winter. Does the SR run a little bigger for a given weight?
  7. Get a 3 ft. Golden Rod. I have one golden rod for my engine compartment and one shorter 1 ft long Goldenrod for under my heater. Works great.
  8. No, I missunderstood the comment about it being a bare bones boat.
  9. John got the standard response. Its not true however. The boat was in the water being tested a few weeks ago.
  10. I'll make someone a hell of a deal on my 2012
  11. If it saves the AWSA money then the AWSA should fund the background checks. This should NOT be left to the drivers to fork out the money so someone else can save a dime. That is just stupid.
  12. I don't think half the drivers I know are going to fork out any cash to drive. How ofter do they have to have these background checks? Every year, two years? If a sanctioning body is requiring it then the cost of the background check should be included in everyone's membership cost, not at the drivers wallet. We need to encourage people to contribute in the tournaments.
  13. Good, I really like this ski. I know I'm on the verge of setting a PB with it.
  14. MattP, Yes it was awesome. I wish we had a picture that turned out that showed the sunset. I've only seen a few sunsets of that kind. Stunning. For some reason now that I am back and skiing in the dry suit I'm skiing like crap again. :)
  15. Two weeks ago and I am really missing it.
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