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Nick Sullivan

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Everything posted by Nick Sullivan

  1. By the way, I think that is not from the tip of the ski but the side of the ski just in front of your front boot. Happens to me around three or five ball, I'm usually late and hauling a**. I'm right foot forward.
  2. Hey this is great! I did the shin thing 6 Times since spring time. Lots of trips to see the same clinic close to the lake. I have two scars, each scar has had stiches three times. I now have a shin guard that I made out of my old motorcycle riding equipment. Now I think I have a neck injury, everytime I ski hard my neck and left side of my face around my eye hurts. I think I need to take a month or so off and let my body heal. Trouble is I have this new D3 Fusion I need to be skiing on.
  3. Brian was right, I got an email from him at 1:24 am pacific time. He might be in Mexico that week, so he recomended Brooks Wilson unless he's around.
  4. Yes you did and that is a big reason why I wanted to try it out. I read your review numerous times. I give you props!
  5. So far the Fusion rocks. Turns effortlessly and smooth. I guess it is a D3, like everyone says its easy to ski. I ran 4 at 32 off, 36 and this was my first two sets on it so I'm pretty excited. I might add, its a darn good looking ski too.
  6. Yea, almost kind of like the new car smell or the honey moon period. Stick with what your doing Horton.
  7. Lucky for me my wife has a big conference that she has to go to for work so her ticket and the hotel is paid for. I usually balk when my wife wants me to come along on these trips with her. When she told me it was in Orlando this year my ears pirked up. My old ski is finally giving up the ghost after two full seasons of my abuse. Time for a new one. And remember, its NOT a ski trip, its a family vacation.
  8. Fusion just showed up via US Snail Mail. Paul set the fin: 6.9275 2.5010 .747 and 8 degrees of wing. Can't wait to get on the water tomorrow with it.
  9. So far I will be going to see Jodi Fisher and Wish! I have to keep reminding my self that I am not supposed to be turning this into a ski trip but rather a vacation for the Family, or some crap like that. Oops, did I say that out loud. Still hoping to get set up with Rini, there are a couple guys I ski with that have nothing be praise for Matt.
  10. I can't seem to reach Rini. No phone number or email on his website so I sent him a message on Facebook. Have not heard back. If you have his contact info shoot it over to me. Thanks guys.
  11. If your interested I have a ski partner or the actual owner of our lake that has a side business called Drive Pro. He drives for people or will deliver cars, boat, what ever. He just got back from delivering a huge moving van and trailer to Kansas City. He left Sunday and just got back.
  12. Hey Ballers, Heading to Orlando in January because my wife has some classes to attend for half the week we will be there. Looking for some suggestions on where I can go to get some time with a good coach. Or just to get a pull or two. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  13. Got them today. Thanks rodltg2!
  14. What Shane said. Enjoy the video and the record. Is the TXi even an approved town boat?
  15. Doesn't show wear like the black, doesn't get gouged or marked up and always looks good. Doesn't ever have to be replaced.
  16. Waiting for the Brown truck to arrive with a new D3 Fusion that Paul Crawford sent me. Can't wait to get behind the boat with it today. Do I go out at stock numbers? 68" and Paul told me to put my boots at 30.5 Come on UPS!
  17. Something else I forgot to mention. I want to buy from an American company that is making the ski in America. I never used to be a big "buy American" kind of guy. But I am now and I am following through with it from here on out.
  18. The Stainless Rub rail is way better than the old black rubber.
  19. Performance and Customer Service. There are those ski companies out there that excel at this and some that don't.
  20. Last year on news years day we had close to 30 skiers at Mint. I had to break the ice with my old boat just to be able to use the main body of the lake. Alot like Russ's video. That was a fun day!
  21. Done, had to reset my Paypal password since its been so long since I used it but it was pretty easy.
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